
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Do you have this pattern?

I am binding this quilt for a dear friend who passed away a couple of weeks ago.  What an emotional journey. To be finishing her quilt is an honor.
She asked if I would get it bound and send it back to her husband so that he could hang it in their home. I would like to give credit to the designer on the label I am making. I found the quilt on Pinterest labeled as a Jo Morton design from American Patchwork and Quilting. The link does go to the magazine's website, and identifies the pattern as Midnight Garden from their April 2009 issue, but does not give the designer. If you have that issue and could clarify for me whether or not Jo M. is the designer I would greatly appreciate it. It looks like a Jo Morton design, but Pinterest has been wrong a time or two, so I would prefer to get confirmation from someone.

The August blocks for the Buttermilk Basin Mystery BOM and the Attic Heirlooms Ornament of the Month are now stitched. It feels good to be caught up, even if it is only for a couple of days.

I don't think I have shown the finishes on the past two "ornament" blocks, but let's look at the last one first.

This is a close up of the current one. Those were supposed to be red berries on the bow, but it seemed rather colorless, so I made bells instead of berries.Kind of tricky to get the stitching to look like I wanted it to on a circle that small.

I couldn't find red beads the size I wanted for this one. I have some much larger than these, but I wanted something somewhere between these tiny ones and the big ones. The little ones looked best, of the two.

Then we have a happy little snow angel with a garland (or maybe it is a strand of lights).

This is all of them, so far.

You may as well see all of the BB Mystery blocks so far, too.

I got a couple of "pillowcase" dresses made to send to Lori (Humble Quilts blog). She is taking them to Bolivia. Mine look more like aprons here, because I opted not to use the pattern with elastic across the top. But they will be gathered there when they are tied at the shoulders.

That sweet Cyndi at Busy Thimble quilt shop saw me petting a new line of fabric when I was in her shop, but I didn't purchase anything from it. She was cutting kits from the fabric later, and she sent me a package of the trimmings. This photo doesn't do justice to the colors, and there is more variety in the line than this, but these are the ones I chose to make a mini Thimble quilt to remember my visit to the Busy Thimble. (I used the Primitive Gatherings Tiny Tumbler template.) As I get sewing them together and gauge the shrinkage on this quilt (mini quilts shrink something fierce), I may adjust the length and/or width.

Been purging in the sewing room. It will never all fit nicely, but at least now there aren't piles all over on the floor and chairs. Still a little bit on the table, for which I cannot find homes (Denise and Mom--that sentence structure was for the two of you)), but it feels good to walk into a relatively clean room for some stitching. Think I'll step in there again.
Enjoy your day.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Hi Janet, I have that pattern and it is a Jo Morton design. I bought it as a kit from the Quilted Moose in Nebraska (I think :-) I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. This will be a sweet gift to her husband.
    My husband liked the one I made as well as the man who built our home. So I made one for him too. I have ours hanging in our entryway and is one of my favorite quilts.

  2. How precious to be finishing that quilt for your friend. That will mean so much to her husband. I love all of your little blocks. That is going to be really pretty. Pillowcase dresses....such a wonderful thing that you are helping her out with. I also love your mini tumbler!!! How nice was she was to send you the cut offs! :)

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Finishing the quilt had to be bitter sweet. May the quilt bring comfort to all. I love the tumbler fabrics.

  4. That is a lovely quilt you are finishing for your friend. It will be a great comfort to her husband in the lonely days ahead. Your ornaments are so precious, I'm always blown away by the beautiful work you do with all your minis.

  5. Fun to see your hand-stitched wool projects all lined up together - I can't wait to see them sewn in a finished item! I like the idea of making a little quilt to remember your trip to the shop - some people write journals and you make quilts. I've actually been doing a smashbook the last year or so and have found it to be a fun way to keep memories. Lovely quilt your friend made - and so sweet of her to ask you to finish it up for her hubby.

  6. Love the toile fabric in the one you are finishing up.....he will so enjoy it.
    The little black capped chickadee stole my heart....the small beads are perfect for it. They are all great but he is so cute.
    Purging is always on my to do list. I no sooner clean up the floor and another pile appears. One of these days I am going to knock that outside wall out and add some closet space. Ha!

  7. Glad someone identified the pattern for you. My sympathies on the passage of your friend. Love your woollies and the sweet tumblers. My sewing room needs a good clean out too--again!

  8. I will confirm it is "Jo". I made it as well. What a sad but so sweet story.


  9. Condolences on the loss of your friend. I know the quilt will bring comfort to her husband.
    I love all your little blocks. The look so sweet together.

  10. Doing something in memory of a loved one takes on new meaning doesn't it? My SIL gave me a huge bag of her recently deceased son's plaid shirts and asked me to make her a quilt. They are beautiful plaids and it's going to be a pleasure working with them. Your wool embroidery is wonderful - so pleasant to look at.

  11. I'm glad Loris knew this pattern ! You realized an awesome quilt and I'm sure your friend's husband will appreciate it.....I'm so sorry for this loss.
    The dresses are pretty and the little blocks are so cute ! Specially the bird !
    Hugs !

  12. I hope that binding your friends quilt helped you remember the fun times you shared. I am sure her husband will be very pleased to have the quilt, a tactile memory of his wife.
    I love your BB mystery blocks, I printed off a few of the patterns and then forgot about them. I am taking a wool applique class in October, I might tackle them after that. Love the mini small are they? How lovely that she sent you the trimmings from the kits!

  13. ask jo morton, she can tell you if it's hers or not...actually looks like a minick & simpson to me....and love your tumblers! what line of fabric is that anyway? so very nice of cyndi to gift you with some nice scraps...

  14. Dear, dear Janet, again lovely, lovely projects!! I LOVE the bells and I think they are perfect!!

    A sweet, sweet tribute for a friend. You are truly a friend who loves like a sister!

    Blessings and hugs!

  15. You can always email a picture to Jo, she would love to see a quilt she made and would know best. I like your Ornaments/ It's good to be caught up. I'm still a bit behind but I have Monday to PLAY a bit and finish just 1 more thing for the Fair Display this year. Can hardly wait to share pictures on Wednesday.

  16. So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, but how wonderful that you can finish this quilt for her husband. Love those thimbles...what a sweetie Cyndi is to send you these bits...perfect for your little quilt!

  17. Good morning Janet,
    I was actually at Cyndi's shoppe "The Busy Thimble" yesterday after noon. Cyndi pointed me towards your blog and so pleased that she did. Your work is lovely. Yes, I go to Cyndi's at least once a month. I just love her shop and the fabrics she carries, but on top of that, she is one lovely lady and I really enjoy talking with her. My hubby will sometimes come in with me to say hello to Cyndi and once in a while he'll sit in the car and wait patiently for me (he's actually taking a nap as he did yesterday.

    I have the pattern your asking about for the "Midnight Garden" It's from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine April 2009 issue. It indicates Designer: Jo Morton, Machine Quilter: Jo Richards and the Photographs by: Adam Albright. Under the name of the quilt it states Evening Star blocks-light stars on dark backgrounds-provide the focal point on a toile wall hanging. Probably more information than you asked for, but thought I'd include it. I'm so sorry about your friend, but so kind and thoughtful of you to finish the binding so her husband is able to enjoy the quilt.

  18. What a gorgeous quilt that you finished for your departed friend. I'm so sorry and I'm sure her husband will love having it in their home. Sorry, can't help with the credit, but good for you for looking.
    your little tumblers are just too cute!
    It is great to see your BOM projects. I love the BB blocks. They are whimsical and fun.
    I used the same pattern for the dresses. Your fabrics are great.

  19. The quilt you're finishing is beautiful and will be a lovely reminder to your friend's husband - not that he will need a reminder. But, you know what I mean. Your other projects are adorable. I will look up the pumpkin pattern. It will be a darling fall wall hanging. Thanks!

  20. So sorry for the loss of your friend. I made that same little quilt, but I put some red in mine (shocking, I know!) but mine is still not quilted! Love all of your little BOM blocks - so cute. The little tumblers are super cute - great fabrics!

  21. You've been busy. How precious to be able to finish this quilt for a friend, I'm sorry for your loss, though. All your wool projects are so sweet!!

  22. I've had that Jo Morton quilt bookmarked for years--so wonderful that you are finishing your friend's version. You have so many cute wooly things going on--I especially love your Buttermilk Basin block--very cute and it reminds me that I need to get to work on mine!

  23. I say this every time, but your posts are such an inspiration to me! I NEED to get caught up on my woolie monthly blocks...yours are gorgeous. i love your mini tumbler...hard to believe they came from the "trimmings," something someone might just toss out. Sorry I can't help with your star quilt, but it's beautiful and will be much appreciated by your friend's husband and family.

  24. I am sure there were some very emotional and thoughtful stitches going into that binding, Janet... your friend's hubby will appreciate what you have done, I'm sure. (it's a lovely quilt, isn't it?) Your blocks look great, it does look like you are keeping up with your sewalongs :-) Love your wee tumblers too. Enjoy your purged sewing space!!

  25. The quilty memorial is beautiful and so are you for doing it for her. The winter vigniettes blocks are so precious and I very much like your golden bells on the holly leaves. I envy you your newly cleared spaces but I am far too lazy to actually do anything about my messy studio, LOL!

  26. The quilt is very nice. And how kind of you to finish it for your friend.

    You have collected quite a variety of wool since you started the wool applique.

  27. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet thing you are doing to finish that quilt for your friend ... I'm sure her husband will treasure it. Love your tumblers!

  28. Janet, look who's doing all the giving now?? How awesome that you're putting the binding on for the gorgeous quilt made by your friend who recently passed away. And the tumblers? GORGEOUS!! I'm resisting but weakening by the day!! Love the wool applique from Buttermilk Basin. One of these days I'll get mine going. Yours are inspiring!

  29. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. When we lose someone we love it leaves such a hole in our lives. So wonderful you could finish this lovely quilt for her! I love all your wool projects! Those ornaments are so cute. I love the Tumbler project too. I recently ordered that pattern.

  30. Oh so much eye candy to enjoy on your blog! Love all the projects you are stitching, especially the mini thimbles/tumblers. It is hard to tell how the width/length ratio will look until you start sewing it together.
    So lovely of you to finish your friend's quilt... I can imagine that would be gut wrenching at times. Her family will really appreciate your efforts.

  31. Which pattern did you use for the dresses? I really like they way they turned out. I made two but used elastic. Your's look easier. Thanks!

  32. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend - I'm sure working on her quilt brings you many fond memories as it will for her husband. How lucky for you that Cyndi sent leftovers! Fun!

  33. Wow, Janet, that is so sweet that your friend asked you to finish the quilt for her hubby!! It is gorgeous!! All your little projects are sure coming along!! And a clean studio?? What a fabulous concept!! While you are in the mood, will you come do the same to mine? ;-0


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