
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Brief Update

Ruth (Country Log Cabin blog) was the giveaway winner from my last post. She has already received her prize, I just hadn't blogged about it yet. (BTW, she has a giveaway on her blog right now and you may want to check it out.)

Porch Side Garden (a Kim Diehl design) is finished and has been sent to its new home.
 I chose to hand quilt this. I was going to do big stitch, but tiny stitches were too ingrained in me at an early age and I fall into that pattern without realizing it. Though these stitches aren't "tiny", they also aren't the "big" I was going for, so I gave up trying.
The quilt really isn't wonky, it is just laying on an uneven surface. : )

I took down all of the patriotic decor. The dining table becomes the staging area before it all gets put away. When I see them all like this I think I have enough R/W/B quilts, but honestly, there are more in the making.

I've had the kit for this little Jello mold hexie pincushion for well over a year. It was a gift from Pam Buda after we had a pie making session together (see here.)
I needed a little hand stitching that didn't take a lot of concentration during this past week, and it seemed like a good time to get this made. Very easy to put together. Makes me wonder why I didn't do it sooner. The pattern is called Tin Pinkeep, and the kit is available here.

Just did a little swap with Sue of Mother Patchwork blog. She was sending me a couple of cute zipper pulls (which I forgot to photograph--brilliant of me), and I was sending her one of my mini pineapple ornaments. Look what also found their way to me.
Aren't they fun? They are chicken potholders, in case you are poultry challenged. I emailed Sue that my grandpa used to have a large chicken farm and many childhood memories are associated with chickens--feeding them, gathering their eggs, playing with the chicks--and screaming in panic when the chickens got their heads cut off and flapped around the yard, headless. Good times. : )

Wednesday I will be back with DD#1 for a week. I think my new granddaughter missed me way too much.

Lately my life has been so enriched and blessed by the friendship and generosity of quilters I have met through this blog. I can't put into words what I have been experiencing, but those involved know who they are. "Thank you" is so inadequate, but not to say it would be an inexcusable oversight. The Lord has given me the best of gifts in you!

And thank you to all who stop by and leave a comment. I will be occupied elsewhere for a week, but know that I will be checking back when I return.

I can't decide if this was really brief or not. Let's just say the photos are large so it looks like a long post.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. who cares if it is a long post when there are great things to see! The wall hanging turned out beautiful with your hand stitching. It will be a blessing..
    You do have lots of RWB...enjoy them all. The chick are the cute they are.
    Enjoy your week being Grandma......we are off too for a week.

  2. Porch Side Garden is beautiful, and your hand stitching is so nice and even, who cares what size the stitches are! I've not tried big stitch quilting (yet) and wondered if it will be hard to go back and forth between that and regular hand quilting. Have a fantastic week, grandbabies are the best!

  3. Enjoy every minute cuddling with your baby granddaughter! The Porch Side garden is beautiful, I completely understand re: BIG stitching, it's hard to purposely stitch big when it's been conditioned out over all those years! I love your goodies and those chicken potholders are just the cutest things. Well done on the pin cushion, it is precious in its little tin base. Red, white and blue quilts are my weakness... can't ever have too many!

  4. oh porchside garden is adorable...lucky recipient! and no way, not too many r/w/b quilts....have a wonderful visit before the snow flies!

  5. I like your dining room table. I don't have room for a long table like that but would love one if I did. You can never have enough of the red, white, & blue!

  6. I just love your little Kim Diehl quilt - so cute...but you better keep working on your BIG stitch! Your little stitches are perfect, though! It's really fun to see your R/W/B all out on the table - they are all awesome - I love everything patriotic. Have a wonderful week with that new baby!

  7. It's fun to see your RWB collection all layed out like that!
    What a cute little pin cushion :)

  8. Have fun snuggling! Loved seeing all your RW&B gathered together. It's a great collection.

  9. So happy you get to go visit the new baby again - hope you're able to share pictures when you get home!

  10. Enjoy your time with your grand daughter Janet :-) Your chicken potholders are such fun - what a great gift. Love your Kim Diehl finish too, and your new pin keep is lovely. Good collection of RWB too, I love the variety of the designs.

  11. The little wall hanging is wonderful. I know what you mean by little big stitches. My stitches in the Halloween quilt are much smaller that I thought they would be hence it has taken me 4 months to finish it instead of the one I was hoping for. The next quilt I will be quilting will have larger thread and so I'm going to be more diligent about getting a big stitch. Enjoy that grandbaby.

  12. Glad you like the pot holders and they bring happy memories - not hints of baking that needs doing! We just got 3 chooks and our boys love "playing" with them....but somehow that doesn't = remembering to feed them or collecting the eggs! : )

  13. I'd say medium sized post for a mini loving gal! :-) The Kim Diehl piece is pretty. Have fun with your granddaughter!

  14. Brief? Maybe not. but it's good to see a post from you. I know you have been BUSY! have fun being Grandma for a week. Get all your snuggles in that you can, they grow way too fast! I have a Banty Rooster story from my childhood. Me and the chickens weren't too good of buds. I was afraid of them.

  15. Have a blessed trip my dear friend!!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  16. I remember several headless chicken episodes with my Grandma in Nephi! Terrified, and a long time before I would eat chicken again! Enjoy that grandbaby! They are the best! And yes, I am still a no-reply. Haven't figured it out!

  17. You did a beautiful job on the Kim Diehl mini! But I wouldn't expect any less. LOVE all you patriotic quilts and minis...I would have a hard time taking them down and packing them away until next year! :)

  18. Another inspiring blogpost!! Outstanding work! I love your patriotic quilts...thank you for all that you share! Hugs!

  19. Love the Kim Diehl quilt and your patriotic collection is amazing!!! Always room for more red, white and blue! ;-) The tin pinkeep stitched up nicely... I also have that kit in my stash... maybe I'll give it a go this weekend? Have a great week!

  20. Enjoy your precious time with family.
    Your RWB table top looks fantastic. All the other projects loo,s great too.
    Take care!

  21. Porch Side Garden is gorgeous! I love the various fabrics you used. My patriotic items have increased by 2, partly thanks to you. I already finished the pincushion that I won and will post it on my blog soon. Love it and it went so quick! Your little chick potholders are adorable. I feel very lucky to have met so many wonderful quilters through blogging as well.

  22. Oh Janet - what a beautiful table. I love all of your Patriotic decorations. I really like your wool appliqué with the scrappy border. Your little quilts are just wonderful.

  23. Congratulations to Ruth! That Kim Diehl quilt is fabulous - I love her designs, and you did such a nice job on that. Enjoy your time with that sweet little one.

  24. Safe travel both to and fro and lots of happy grandbaby time in between!

  25. Have a wonderful visit with our Granddaughter . Grandchildren are such a blessing.

  26. Never too much patriotic! I've tried the big stitch too and find it hard to get them to look like I did it on purpose.

  27. Love that Porch Side Garden quilt! Very cute pin cushion , I will check out the link. Oh my! Look at those cute little chickens! I hope you are having or had a wonderful visit with your little granddaughter!

  28. The jello pin cushion is so darn cute, makes me want to make a couple of them as gifts. Won't be too long and all your Christmas goodies will be on display, guess you have to go through Halloween and Thanksgiving first though. LOL Keep going with the Patriotic items always great to add to the collection. I know that your grand baby will be happy to be in your arms, go ahead and spoil her, lol Sandi is coming to visit for two weeks starting on the 27th. Seems a bit odd, you seem to travel at the same time as she does, neat huh? Love your mini garden.

  29. Hope you are having the best of fun Janet! What will you replace your patriotic theme with? Congratulations to Ruth! Be safe my friend, Sandi


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