
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas at My House (way too many photos)

Okay, Annie M., this is for you! It has been a couple of years since I have posted holiday decor. Here is my dome, sweet dome. I won't bore you with every decoration. I will just bore you with some of them.
This photo is from two years ago. We don't have snow yet this year, so it doesn't look as fun. Lights are the same.

Living Room


Dining Room
 Gayle (Middle Sister blog) made the middle quilt on the ladder above and the little quilt on the right, below. I made the others.

The stocking was stitched by a local friend. Ornaments made by DD#1.

Family Room
My favorite new ornaments--this "Biblical Names of Christ" set.
 Sewing Room

I have ornaments on this little tree from each of my daughters, myself, and a few blogging friends. Gayle made the little hooked pillow above, too.

The next two shots are not at my house. They were taken on my parents' front porch. Only at a quilter's home will you find Baby Jesus with a quilt. : )
 One year my Mom decided Baby Jesus looked cold, so she made this little patchwork quilt.

On the quilting front, I did get my little Nativity quilts finished. I have mine (the prototype with all of the mistakes) hanging up and you can see it in one of the living room photos above.

So, other than decorating, what have I been doing?  Haven't had my sewing machine running for over a week. I've been wrapping this stuff (my soap)...

...and doing a little hand quilting. This is the back side.
I'm loving the lights, music, and most of all, the spirit of the season!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Thank you for sharing your chistmas home!

  2. Thanks for the tour, Janet. Your home is gorgeous and oh so festive!

    All the quilts and hooked ornies just add that special touch to the homey atmosphere. Gorgeous!

  3. Janet it is beautiful❤️. Merry Christmas 🎄

  4. Love the baby Jesus with his quilt!!! Very pretty decorations, just very much enjoyed the tour of your dome!

  5. So festive! Really enjoyed the tour. Such beautiful decorations. Hope you are enjoying the hand quilting. Your stitches are so tiny!

  6. I'm so glad you took us on that tour ... your home is so festive! I love those Name of Jesus ornaments ... I would love to buy a set for our tree and one for DD but alas, they're no longer available. :-(

    I love your new header, too.

  7. Your decorations are gorgeous! I also love the Nativity quilts. Have a wonderful Christmas season!

  8. Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful home and Christmas decor with us. I love the Alpine trees, and all your mini quilts add so much. But your Mom's manger scene is so precious with that little quilt. Your soap wrapping set up is so organized....and bet it smells wonderful. Thanks again....I enjoyed the tour.

  9. I like the quilt rack with the three quilts displayed. Lovely view of the outside of your home.

  10. Thanks for the picture tour of your home all decorated for Christmas! I love the trees (two trees together is a neat idea)! Your large quilt rack is wonderful - the one with the saints on it. And, of course, I love the ladder with quilts. And all the quilts, including the ornament quilts!

  11. gorgeous! Blessed Christmas to you and all your family!

  12. Your home is filled with the spirit of Christmas.

  13. Lovingly decorated for the season! Thanks for the tour :). Love all the quilts and trees

  14. Beautiful! I'm enjoying the season as well.

  15. Oh Janet, thanks for indulging me in showing your beautiful home and decorations! Admit I was a bit startled to have your blog so personalized, but from other comments, it's obvious that we all enjoy it that you shared your holiday home! Annie M.

  16. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and decorations, Janet. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

  17. Everything is so green. We have such similar tastes. Gorgeous all over.

  18. How fun to see all your decorations Janet - I think my favorite is the tree covered in small quilt ornies (of course). Also tickled to see my small contributions to your decor. I'm glad baby Jesus has a quilt to keep him warm!

  19. I love that you go all out decorating. Even clearing the bookcases for the Christmas season. I have a long way to go to even get anywhere close. No lights outside again at my house. That is so sweet that your mother would think Jesus needed a quilt! I'm glad you shared you many photos!

  20. Fun post Mom!
    Your decorations sure do make for a magical visit when anyone comes to your home :)

  21. Your lights and decorations all look great! I love the quilt on baby Jesus! :0)

  22. lovely home and photos janet....and a quilt on the manger? makes sense...even cool at night in the desert....

  23. I like the way the spotlight glows on the Christ child in your header. Hope you have a great holiday season.

  24. You have a lovely home. Thanks for sharing with us.

  25. So beautiful! Love the hand quilting you're doing!

  26. So fun to visit your lovely home this Christmas! The quilt for Baby Jesus is a lovely idea! And I really love your Nativity quilts. Very sweet. Have a joyous Christmas and all year long!

  27. Lovely decorations Janet. Your home give off a lovely Christmas glow.

  28. Thanks for the tour! I love all of your decorations. I recognize those soaps - lol! Love the packaging too!

  29. What a beautiful Christmas home Janet...the perfect post to click on the photos and look at themall big size! Love the quilt on baby Jesus :-) Are you hoping for snow on The Big Day?

  30. What a great post! Where do you find the time to make all this Christmas happen? I like your house.

  31. Thanks for sharing your lovely home with us Janet! If that doesn't get us into the Christmas spirit, nothing will :) Your quilts fill your home with beauty and comfort, a beautiful reflection of yourself!!!! Hugs & many blessings to you and yours this Christmas my friend :*)

  32. Love the quilt for Baby Jesus! Your decorations are wonderful.

  33. Your mom gets an A+ on warming baby Jesus, what a fantastic thing to do. After this post I am sure your mom has started something. Love all your photos. The Nativity set on your hutch is awesome and displayed so nicely. Thanks for sharing your home with others. Mary Christmas and God Bless you and your family.

  34. You must decorate every surface! I love the scene looking down from the railing. All very lovely.

  35. Your house looks just beautiful! So homey!!! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  36. Your home is just beautiful and so filled with Christmas cheer! Thank you for including the Baby Jesus's quilt, too!

  37. Merry Christmas to you and yours Janet!!
    Your home looks so comfy and cozy!!

  38. Your house, with all the lights, looks like such fun! I loved seeing all your Christmas decorations. A very Merry Christmas to you, Janet!!! :)

  39. Everyone deserves a quilt - especially Jesus!!
    A dome home - how fun! Your decorations are just lovely. Despite a few good soakings with the squirt bottle Zorro just can't contain himself: only the top half of my tree is decorated now to keep it all out of his kitty paws... I'm tempted to take the trees down and just put up more white lights which are almost my fav part anyway.

  40. Your home and Christmas decorations are beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  41. Your home looks very warm and inviting. Love the outside lights all around.

  42. A little late on the comment but I finally finished everything that needed to be out by Christmas so I have a bit more time on my hands these days. Oh, gee, hands that want to learn to hand quilt!! Hopefully your home is still decorated so I can come out and see!! :-)) And I love Jesus' quilt!!

  43. Wonderful, festive decorating for the holiday season, Janet. How special your Christmas celebration must have been in the warmth and beauty of your lovely home. All the quilted touches here and there yell loudly -- "A QUILTER LIVES HERE !!"
    The quilt for baby Jesus is the ultimate in quilted decor. Love it!

  44. you are so blessed with a beautiful home and such festive decorations....may you have many blessings this coming year and esp for your little grandson who has so many challenges....and lots of quilty fun too!


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