
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Quilting (Quietly) with Kim

I spent Friday in Rupert, Idaho where my favorite not-so-local quilt shop, The Gathering Place, hosted a workshop with Kim Diehl.
Kim was gracious enough to pose for me in the display of her stuff at the store.
  This was what we worked on. Most of the class time was spent making the Dresden and learning her invisible machine applique technique to attach it to the background. The last 30 minutes of class she demoed her wool applique method and we could quickly try it on a wool penny to see if we had any questions.
This is Dresden Dish Garden. Pattern currently only available at workshops.
There were around 20 women in the class, and they were a focused bunch. This was the quietest group of quilters I have ever heard (or not heard)! There was much of the time that no one was talking at all, we were all concentrating so much on the work at hand. Can you imagine that--quilters not talking?
With all of that focused work, you'd think we would have accomplished an awful lot, but this is as far as I got before it was time to pack up and come home.
I'm auditioning wools to put the smaller penny in the middle.
 Kim is an excellent teacher, and I highly recommend her. She will be going along with Bonnie Hunter on her upcoming Caribbean cruise in November to teach a wool project. She is booked to teach through the end of next year and then she says she isn't planning on traveling to teach anymore. She will focus on her books and fabric lines. So if you have a chance to take a class from her, you might want to grab it while you can.

I was not able to do her Saturday class, but this is what they were going to be working on. I believe she said it is from her Simple Whatnots Club.

This was something she had prepared for an upcoming class. It is very small, and she finished it with Big Stitch quilting. So cute.

This was what she taught at this workshop last year. This gal brought it back to show Kim and get some ideas on how to quilt it. It is very pretty. I love the darker backgrounds.

Other than this class, I haven't had much time to stitch since my last post. These are the projects that got a bit of attention during the week. My Fall themed "Lamb For All Seasons" is all cut and ready to fuse.
 And I have almost completed all of the square-in-a-square units I need in order to make the 6th border on my Primitive Gatherings Tenth Anniversary SAL project.
Once this border is completed and attached, there will be little wool applique flowers in the corners. This has been a really fun piece to work on. I have enjoyed the leisurely pace, and I always love Lisa's designs.We are supposed to be finished sometime in November, and I am really curious to see where Lisa takes us from here.

This week Carmen Geddes is coming to a LQS to share her technique for making traditional quilt patterns using her Easy Piecing Grid. The idea intrigues me. I've watched a couple of Youtube videos, but I am curious to see how it looks in real life, and since the fee was only $5, I figured it was worth seeing. I'll let you know what I learn.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. You get all the good workshops! I've been trying to find something nearby ... you'd think that being so close to a larger city like St. Louis, I'd have several to choose from.

    I love your work so far on the Primitive Gatherings quilt!

  2. You are so fortunate to have attended this class! I have several of Kim's books and this post inspires me to get cracking on some of her fabulous designs. I adore your primitive gatherings quilt, and of course, who could not love your seasonal lamb!

  3. You are a lucky gal to have taken her class and see her quilts up close and personal. I didn't have my thinking cap on and should have sent to a photo I have on Pinterest that is said to be hers but can't find anywhere! I'm looking for the pattern. The whatnots quilt she is holding; I've got one on the frame just like it right now. I'm loving it and hate I can't keep it! Your quilts are so GOOD! Makes me wish they were in my home! Huge compliment!

  4. Oh, so glad that you were able to take a class with Kim. Would you believe that she was teaching at the AQS show in Des Moines a couple of weeks ago...and I didn't know it until it was too late! I went to the show, and actually ran into her and chatted for a minute. So, so mad that I didn't look at the class schedule!! I would have loved to take a class from her. Did you like her applique method?

  5. What a treat for you. I have admired all things Kim Diehl for many years. Your piece is going to be gorgeous!

  6. I have several of Kim's books and really like her style. You have attended some good workshop/classes this year. Your seasonal lamb is is perfect for the fall season!!! I'm sketching a Christmas lamb and I'm going to use "your" scraps. Your SAL quilt is looking so good!!!

  7. You did good on your invisible machine applique. Did you enjoy the process?
    I like your Primitive Gatherings sew-along piece very much. I have saved patterns for future use.

  8. Kim's style always attracts! Looks like you got a good start on the workshop project. Too bad she won't be traveling anymore but understandable. Love your many quilts in the works, yummy colors.

  9. What a special day for you! So glad you got to enjoy a class with her. It is going to be beautiful.

  10. Looks like a fun class. I wonder why I've not seen her booked locally. :(

  11. What fun to do a workshop with Kim. I've always admired her patterns. I've never met her and she's never come to any of my guilds. Too bad she's not going to be booking travel.
    Good start to your project - I always have a hard time getting a lot done in a workshop.

  12. Love this Dresden medallion-style quilt you started in class - and Kim has lost a lot of weight since I last saw her - she looks great! Did you spend the night in Rupert? Or was it just a day trip for you?

  13. Thank you for sharing all the Rupert Retreat news and views. Kim Diehl is a wonderfully creative designer and you got great photos for us on your blog!

  14. Pity Kim isnt going to travel anymore, because I would love to do one of her Australia! I have just finished one of her wall hangings and love it. Thanks for the lovely show and tell.

  15. I have a couple of Kim's books and they are such a pleasure to go through and make her designs. As Sue above said I too wish she would come here. We very rarely get anyone from the states here for workshops.
    We are way too far Down Under I guess!

  16. I think we have Kim on slate to lecture at our guild at some point over the next year -- I sure hope so! Your little lamb wool piece is just precious -- so much so that I've pulled up that post and am going over to take a closer look!!! :)

  17. I've taken a couple of workshops with Kim although I don't think I'm completed sold on her method of applique. I do, however, like pretty much anything she designs!! She has said that before (about not planning on traveling anymore) several years ago I believe due to health issues. She looks really good so no clue what was going on but hopefully she'll change her mind again!

  18. Kim's patterns and style is one of my favorites. I'm glad you had the opportunity to quietly take her class. Your project is super cute. How did you like her methods? Your SAL quilt is looking fantastic. I should work on that!

  19. I always love her designs! Looks like you had a wonderful time. I can't wait to see more of your work as it progresses.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  20. What a treat for you! I love Kim's designs. She was supposed to come to our area a few years ago and cancelled for health reasons. Many of us were very disappointed. Love the fabrics you chose for your new project. Funny that it was a quiet class. I think I would actually like that!

  21. I've been a Kim groupie since her very first book but never lucky enough to take a class with her. I am slightly jealous but so thankful you shared the photos and story. All of the work looks amazing! Wish I had been there with you!!

  22. Oh how fun!! Next to Kaffe, Kim Diehl is my favorite designer!! Her designs and fabrics are fabulous!! Glad you were able to take a class from her before she stops teaching!!

  23. I commented once, but it disappeared...sorry if this is a repeat! :P I'm exciting to be taking a class from her in a very unique location, I might add! That little project you showed is what we'll be working on. Can't wait!

  24. I'll say it again, I love Kim's colors! Didn't you already make a fall "Lamb for All Seasons?"

  25. Looks like a great class!! Nice job, Janet!

  26. Sew Glad you got in on the class! You live in an area rich with talent. And a Quilt Shop that brings in big name Teachers. Lucky You!

  27. Sounds like a great class Janet, I love what you are working on and it must have been great to see Kim's work in person. Your Primitive Gatherings project is looking good as well - I've been saving these but haven't started yet.

  28. I love this post; and everything Kim Diehl! I just knew she'd be a wonderful and gracious teacher even before your report, something about her work is so lovely and approachable... if that makes any sense. I had the wonderful opportunity of visiting The Gathering Place this past summer, what a fabulous shop! Thanks for taking us along with you to your workshop, I enjoyed every photo and can just "feel" the fun that you had!

  29. So glad to hear you loved Kim! She is coming to our Guild next year - we nabbed her just in time :) All of us are really looking forward to her classes, and I can certainly see why after seeing the wonderful projects on your blog! And your other projects are coming along nicely too - I will look forward to seeing how the new class works out - I'm always interested in new tools!

  30. glad you enjoyed the class, love your project so far. Loving your quilt along with Lisa beautiful.
    Wish teachers like her would come out to the east coast would have loved to take a class with her.
    can't wait to hear about the next workshop your going to take, I have to go look that up

  31. It looks like a wonderful workshop! Too bad she won't be doing any more after next year. But, you sure can't blame her. It must get old doing all that traveling. I love the dresden plate project and can't wait to see yours develop. Also your little sheep project is adorable!

  32. I love the piece with the dark ground. Very rich in color and texture. A quiet class is maybe a productive class? Looks like it was a wonderful class.

  33. oooh kim are one lucky gal! i am hoping to take a workshop with her at some point...your projects are gorgeous...can't wait to see your little lamb done!

  34. How lucky to do a workshop with Kim!!! I love all her patterns!

    I'm really liking your SAL too. Great colors!!

  35. You were lucky to take Kim's class. I love almost every quilt made by her.


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