
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Is it really Fall?

I finally took down my patriotic decor after Labor Day, but with daytime highs still lingering in the 80s it has been hard to get in the spirit of decorating for Fall. Haven't been able to bring myself to drag out the boxes of decorations, but I did hang a few little quilty creations.
Autumn Afternoon (approx. 8x10") now has a home on this Shaker peg rack in my kitchen, along with a little Fall colored basket ornament that turned out a little too wonky to be gifted or sold, so I get to keep it!

I also got the Halloween "Lamb For All Seasons" (adapted from Primitive Gatherings Old Glory Gatherings pattern here) completed and hung (12" square). It is the first thing you see when you enter our living room. Can you even tell there is a crow on the lamb's back? With the dark green background I don't think it is very obvious. The photo makes the whole thing look brighter than it really is.

On Tuesday I signed up to take a class from Kim Diehl on Friday, but it turns out the class isn't until next month, but that is a whole 'nother story!! But it got me thinking about my favorite Kim Diehl patterns, one of which is "All In A Row". I love churn dash blocks, and there is just something about this version that grabs me. I have made a table runner in this style, but never the full quilt. Do you know what is coming next? Could I miniaturize it? Well, you know I have to try.
 The blocks will finish at 1 3/4". The 9-patch centers are 3/4". I think I will sash it with the fabric they are laying on, but I haven't chosen a cornerstone fabric yet.

I prepared a couple of them to be ornaments, trying out a pinwheel in the center of one, instead of the 9-patch. I haven't yet stuffed and backed them, but they will be about 1/4" smaller than my pineapple, log cabin, or basket ornaments.

The structure of the churn dash on these blocks is different from the ones in the Disappearing Hourglass. The DH block is divided into three equal sections, so on the bottom one in this photo I tried the DH method. Raewyn threw down the gauntlet when she made a little Disappearing Hourglass block that was only 1 3/8". But I didn't even try to go that small, let alone smaller. This one will finish at about 1 5/8", a whole quarter inch larger than Raewyn's! See, I do make big stuff! : )

There are a bunch of these little 9-patch blocks left from making the centers for those blocks. I have a plan for them that I hope will work. More to come on that.

Kathie Holland (Inspired By Antique Quilts blog) makes the greatest little quilts. Well, she does great bed quilts, too, for that matter. I am so glad she is back blogging. I really missed her.
Recently she posted a sweet little pinwheel quilt which you can see on her blog here.
She sent me a little kit to make my own copy of it. I'm sorry, Kathie, but after making the HSTs I got carried away and cut two small HSTs from each large one. Now, instead of 6 4" finished pinwheels, there will be 12 one and a half inch finished pinwheels. I just get started cutting things down to size and I don't know when to stop. But I am loving these vibrant reds and bold blacks. And what a great border fabric. Thanks, Kathie. I hope you don't mind me messing with your design. I have really enjoyed working on this and hope to have it finished soon.

This beautiful little quilt arrived this month from Doniene. She really has me pegged where color and design are concerned. It went right up in my "Quilts from friends" corner. There was a beautiful scarf that she had made that came, too, but I just realized I didn't have a photo of it.
Such sweet gifts from a generous friend. Thank you!

Well, I am still woefully behind on my UFOs for the year. That mini trunk show in May really derailed me and I am having a hard time getting back on track. My Garden Maze Quilt still languishes on my design wall because I can't find a border fabric I like, so I distract myself with minis. I am a sorry case!

Just thought of how I can tell it really is Fall. Dad's pears are ripe and we enjoyed a lovely pear pie recently. Yummm! I shared the recipe a couple of years ago, but if you missed it and are interested, let me know and I will email it to you.

Until next time,
Janet O.

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  1. I should get out some fall stuff but it's still to warm for that here too. I love your mini churn dash blocks! :0)

  2. If the crow isn't immediately apparent, it will be upon examination and what a find it will be! Such pretty little quilts! I made a few blocks of Kim Diehls 9-patch inside a churndash and stopped. One of my many UFOs. Not sure why I hit pause on that one. Love your mini blocks. Do you have those books on small block quilts by Mary Elizabeth Kinch and Biz Storms. Full of eye candy!
    I like the lighter border fabrics for My Garden Maze - something you like will come along eventually. You certainly are keeping your sewing machine busy in the meantime!
    We are having cooler than normal temps as has been the case all summer. The last few weeks have only hit highs in the 70's. Now, we just need some rain!
    Almost forgot to mention Doniene's quilt! Beautiful - she's such a sweetheart!

  3. I am in awe of those churn dash blocks! Ok, the pinwheels too! Just some enjoy seeing your minis....your kind of therapy:)

  4. Love your fall decorations. Those minis are fabulous. Too small for me lol. I think I need to make smaller quilts as I am covered wit halts are my house.

  5. I just don't know what to say ... I'm always enamored by your sweet minis, and today is no exception. You are certainly such an inspiration to me!

    Lucky you ... a Kim Diehl class! I would love to take a class of hers ... I'm particularly interested in her invisible machine applique method! I stalk her website, hoping that one of these days, she'll teach close enough to me that I could plan a road trip.

    I've never had pear pie ... if you wouldn't mind sending me the recipe, I think I'd like to try it some day. ;-)

  6. I just don’t know which of your little quilts I like the most but "Lamb For All Seasons” is sure cute.

  7. Aaaah! ... more Janet eye-candy ...can't get enough and at least it's not fattening. Just inspiring. Summer was cool here in Omaha so I had no problems getting my Fall quilts and décor out right away. Each year it's less and less, but at least it's out and so warm and cheery. Can't believe I actually did something before you did! LOL I was so anxious to hear about your Kim Diehl class but at least now you get to take a breath between it and the Jenny Doan class. And make more minis. I know you're going to blow Kim away with your mini version of her design.

  8. More cute LITTLE quilts!!!! Always exciting to see what you are doing. I'm using the Christmas scraps you shared to make Bonnie Hunter's Lozenger challenge quilt. I'm placing the small pieces in a basket to use on smaller quilts or maybe ornaments.

    Doniene is a sweet person to share her little quilts. Quilting friends are wonderful!!

    Lots of 'seasonal' possibilities with the Lamb of all Seasons. I've printed off the pattern, just need to SEW!!!

    My husband loves pears and would think your pear pie a special treat. Our neighbor has a pear tree and after a bumper crop about five years ago, the bears now get them as soon as they ripen. Will buy pears for the pie...LOL!

  9. I fear that it IS fall and I am even farher behind that you in displaying any fall decor! YIKES!! Janet, I am so inspired by your penchant for, and expertise in, creating minis! Your 1 3/4" blocks simply blow me away...the precision of the piecing is awesome and amazing; I am certain that Kim Diehl will be bowled over! You have treated us to a wonderful show and tell today. I just love that sweet lamb with his blanket and hitch hiking crow... it is such a precious piece.

  10. UH OH! You will Love Kim Diehl when ever you take her class. The UFO I have is Churn Dashes too. I got those all done, it is the Applique that goes with them that I have been stumped with. I love seeing your projects. Maybe some red cornerstones in that 9-patch mini? I'm loving the 80's Temps, now looking forward to Frosty Mornings...

  11. We have had wonderful warm day time temps but the evening nip is certainly in the air. I adore your fall color quilts!
    Your mini churn dash blocks are insane! Insanely adorable, that is!! lol

  12. Summer is still lingering where you are, for sure! All your miniaturizing means you'll never run out of stash, given your quilt backings are two to a fat quarter, lol:)
    I'm glad Kathie is back blogging too.
    Keep on enjoying all those tiny pieces and scrappy play, you're great at it!

  13. Just love your Miniatures! You have wonderful ideas!!!

  14. Fun post Janet - that churn dash is mind boggling! Glad you signed up for Kim's class - you'll have to take these little blocks and show them to her - unless the entire quilt is finished by then and you can share THAT with her instead!

    I do believe you are single-handedly making miniature quilts the thing to do again! LOL

  15. The sheep and pumpkins piece is perfect for fall decorating. A creative change to the pattern.

  16. Our leaves have turned and some have disappeared too...but the days are in the mid to upper 70's. Summerlike but with lots of color! And about colors....your first little quilt on the peg board is to die for...and all the others for that matter. What you do when scaling down the size of blocks is incredible. Hmmmm...pears...aren't they a treat this time of year.

  17. I just love your mini quilts, thanks for the inspiration!

  18. Beautiful blocks and quilts! I just love the colors of autumn. :)

  19. I love to do minis also. I like how the churn dashes look. I will be trying that. I finally got the fall quilts out, but I live where it is cooler. Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. Love the new header photo and everything in this post! What a sweet little gift from Doniene :)

  21. I've gotten just bits and pieces of fall stuff out . . . but it's in my near future, I am sure! Your minis are just darling! I'd love your recipe for pear pie! It looks delicious!!! :)

  22. Even thought the temps are warm in the day, fall is in the air around here. Love what you've started to decorate with. I cant believe your mini churn dashes are that mini. WOW! They are beautiful. And how great to be able to have a class from Kim. Happy fall! It's s great photo in your header.

  23. Yes my dear, it is fall already. I'm envious of all your great little quilts for fall decor. I need to get to making some for myself.

    As always, your post are so creative and inspiring. Do you ever sleep……..?

  24. Janet, I'm really concerned about you. I think you should seek professional help! Your blocks are shrinking and shrinking. I do believe there is medication for your problem... Really??? 3/4" centers for the churn dash? My dear, you need to start to think bigger!!! ;-))

  25. Lovely quilts for your Fall decor! Your Churn Dash minis are unbelievable! I keep trying to picture them. The centers are 3/4"! Unbelievable! Doniene sent you a very pretty quilt. Your pear pie looks amazing! I am sure it is all gone by now!

  26. Oh! Oh! Oh! There are always so many beautiful quilts to see on your blog Janet!!! I think you have made a great start on your fall decor - add one or two little quilts every couple of days and it will always look fresh & new! Love your little Lamb for all Seasons - and those little churndashes = *swoon*!!! And you cook too? You are one talented lady Janet O.!!!

  27. The mini blocks look as delicious as the pie... yum yum!

  28. as always janet, such lovely quilts/blocks and your work is so beautiful! kim diehl? lucky you! she is on my hopeful list, along with marylou wiedman..will be looking for a full report! and i just might try some of those little kim diehl blocks myself!

  29. Oh yum, pear pie! Pear Gorgonzola pizza is good too.
    Cute little minis.
    Nice fall decorating too.

  30. Oh I'm so behind on blog reading! This is a wonderful post of great inspiration! I can almost smell that pie - please send me the recipe!
    I love those churn dash blocks and your little ones are soooo tiny and sweet! just the cutest -
    the pinwheels are great black and red. they are such happy little blocks.
    I like the border on the right - but is hard to see on the computer. sometimes it takes time to come to the right decision -
    great post!
    your wool fall quilt is very cute with that little lamb

  31. What can I say? You are so talented in small churn dash squares, all of them are so perfect. We are having the trees turn and leaves are beginning to fall, but it is still warm on the east coast. Are you having a craft fair again this year? I would like to get Sandi a couple of your mini ornaments, it is a delight to see them hanging. Great work. Also love your new blog photo, yes, fall is in the air.

  32. hehehe love those minis!!!!! Well done on your small adventures! Don't forget I only made one tiny block - you've made heaps!!! How sweet of Doniene to send you such a lovely gift, she really is a lovely lady. it is lovely to see your fall decorations/hangings; we don't tend to do seasonal decorating here but it sure is a good excuse to keep on sewing! I'd also love a copy of the recipe too please. Oh and yes, lucky you with the Kim Diehl class, I'm sure it will be great.

  33. So many pretty little things! Those center-filled churn dashes stole my heart and your use of cheddars is to die for. Th new blog header photo is fabulous, too. Thank you for all your inspirations!

  34. I love reading your blog and would really love to make the pear pie, could you please email it to Thank you so much!!


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