
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I wondered--

...should you attend a retreat with Jenny Doan if you have never tried one of the tips or tricks in her videos? I didn't think so.
I have loved the Disappearing Pinwheel Part 2 that I have seen on a few blogs. Mary's (Quilt Hollow blog) version has been my very favorite. So taking my cue from her, I made mine in repros, I made it smaller, and I switched the center pinwheels around to make it look more scrappy, as she did.
The blocks are 3"finished, so the pinwheels are 1". If you look closely, you can see that there is a good deal of wonkiness to these little churn dash blocks. Lots of points went missing in action.

It is not an easy block to make smaller. I decided not to use Jenny's method for making the HSTs. Those bias edges could be so hard to deal with at this scale. As it was, just the process of cutting the pinwheel up (like the lines on a tic-tac-toe board), was a challenge. 
 As you have to keep lifting and moving the ruler, the fabric pieces shift ever so slightly, and that has to be fixed before you can make the next cut. The second two cuts are the hardest to keep straight. No matter how carefully I tried, once my pinwheel block was cut into 9 pieces, they were not all the same size. On a large block you have some wiggle room--you can be 1/8th inch off and it still works. But that much difference throws a block this small into a tizzy. But overall, I am happy with this little quilt.

Got the little Fall colored mini mostly quilted. Haven't done anything in the border yet. The rust colored fabrics behind it are the backing on the right and the binding on the left. As I look at it here, maybe I should bind it with the backing fabric.
The little blocks are 3/4". It makes me think of the golden glow of late afternoon in the fall, so I think I will call it Autumn Afternoon.

Got the binding done on the Civil War Churn Dash baby quilt made from the block swap I did last year with Maureen (Pursuit of Quilts blog).

Can you believe it? That's all--I'm finished. : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Wow - such tiny little pinwheels - I can certainly see how difficult it would be to cut them up precisely! I wouldn't care about those points - that quilt is for fun and those points are just simply partying underneath :) Love your Autumn Afternoon - wow!!! I agree - I would bind it with the fabric on the right - it looks very happy there :) Congrats on your super finish - I love those churndashes.

  2. The pinwheel in a churn dash quilt is so sweet. I'm not following your method. I'll have to look into Jenny Doan. She is new to me. Sharp points are overrated.
    Autumn Afternoon is a perfect name for the itty bitty quilt. Your great at naming your quilts.
    LOVE how CW churn dash turned out. Beautiful!

  3. Love your disappearing pinwheel - I made a couple of blocks for a friend and told myself I would get back to them again (one day!!)... I hadn't thought of swapping around the centres - great idea and also I really don't like that way of doing pinwheels so would do it the standard way :-)
    Your Autumn Afternoon is really glowing - great name for it! And I love yourChurndash baby quilt too - you have really been sewing up a storm!

  4. once again janet...outstandingly beautiful little quilts...i love the baby quilt churn dash too...your work is technically perfect too...

  5. Lovely spinning pinwheels!! What a wonderful quilt!

  6. You are like Mary Poppins - absolutely perfect in every way!! Cute, cute, cute projects!!! Fabulous!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  7. I guess I can't come to the retreat with you :( I haven't tried anything of Jenny's...
    I love your churndash pinwheel mini! And your baby quilt is beatuiful :)

  8. I have considered making the Pinwheels smaller too. Mixing up the centers would be fun too. I hadn't thought of that. Mine were basically two-three fabric quilts. I can't wait to hold our #20 Grandbaby in it. Have fun at Jenny Class!

  9. Pinwheel quilts always seem cheery!

  10. beautiful quilts but OMG my favorite little quilt you have made so far I think has to be this Autumn afternoon
    I just love that quilt. I really admire you for being able to work that small! really amazes me.
    they are all wonderful.
    thanks for sharing, Kathie

  11. What gorgeous quilts!

    You're braver than I am, my friend! I don't think I would have had the patience to make the disappearing pinwheel so tiny ... Triangles give me fits under the best of circumstances. ;-)

  12. Oh my goodness, so much prettiness here! Especially love the last cosy!

  13. I think that your adaptation of Jenny Doan's work is splendid! Such tiny little pinwheels, oh my! The Civil War baby quilt looks great too.

  14. Wow! All your projects are so much fun! I can't imagine making pinwheels that small!
    Love your fall quilt and of course, I'm a fan of churn dash quilts.

  15. So what did Jenny Doan think of your petite little quilt? I bet she's never seen one that small before, huh? Hope you enjoyed the class.....

  16. Well, you've done it again and made some incredible minis. Your colors are perfect for fall. Your experimentation was all spot on.

  17. Your pinwheel quilt is so awesome - I can't believe the blocks are soooo tiny! Your combinations are really beautiful.
    Churn dash is one of my favorite traditional blocks. I'd love to make another one, maybe a little one like yours is the right answer.
    got a chuckle out of your "thats all"
    Have you ever tried cutting the block upside down so the seams don't rock? I haven't but thought of looking at your photo

  18. The disappearing pinwheel is darling. "That's all" is quite a bit.

  19. I'm sure nobody would notice any wonkiness because they are in awe of the tiny blocks!

  20. So did you not do the Jenny Doan retreat? I love the little blocks, although those pinwheel blocks are a bit tiny for my imperfect piecing!!! Always love seeing your work, Janet.

  21. Love the quilts especially the disappearing pinwheel. No one would ever notice the wonkines unless you point it out.


  22. You have done it again, a couple more tiny quilts. So very nice..... Iove the Disappearing pinwheel pattern, I have that in my list of things to do. Once again your colors are perfect for the fall. Still very jealous of you having a class with Jenny Doan. I am just about finished with the Bow Tie Party quilt that was illustrated in her first Block book. I will send a photo when I get the borders on. Miss seeing Sandi already, just isn't fair to live so far apart. Take care, and God Bless

  23. oh how adorable is your disappearing pinwheel quilt.. perfectly scrappy I LOVE it!! I'm going to have to make one too :)) cheer... Marian


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