
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Row, row, row your...


Are you doing the Row by Row Experience? Well, I'm not, but I have to share a couple of things from my LQSs that are participating.

I saw this "row" in one local quilt shop, and I think it is one of the prettiest I have seen. The designer is a store employee, Annette Rose, and I think she did a beautiful job.

The snowflakes are made using English Paper Piecing and then they are appliqued to the background and the stitching is added. Aren't they sweet snowflakes?

 You can click on these little snowflakes to see more detail.
The pattern includes a sheet of cardstock shapes to cut out for the EPP.

Have you seen the clever fabric license plates some shops are selling in conjunction with the Row By Row? Here is one offered by another local quilt shop recently featured as one of the "Top 10 Quilt Shops in America" in whatever magazine it is that does that. (I'm way too tired to remember or to bother looking it up.)
If you would like a chance to win one of these fabric plates, and a copy of the pretty snowflakes pattern, leave a comment and I will draw a winner on Wednesday!

Saturday I attended a class at Village Dry Goods in Brigham City taught by 4 very fun sisters. It was entitled "The Care and Feeding of Featherweights". We learned all about cleaning, oiling, greasing, adjusting tension, changing needles, belts, and lightbulbs--and more!

Our instructors said it was the first time they had ever had 4 men in a class--and they have taught this class a lot! Two of the men came with their wives. The other two were there on their own.

Haven't sewn in three weeks, other than a very little hand stitching when my Mom was willing to have the lights on or blinds open in her hospital room. Not making much progress on the Stars in The Garden.

My thanks to those who have inquired as to my Mom's health, and especially for your prayers and encouragement. It has been a long three weeks--she was in the hospital for 3 days, home for two, and then back in for eight more. She has been home for a week now, is starting to feel more like her old self,  and we are finally beginning to lighten up on the around-the-clock care. Maybe one day soon I will be dusting off my sewing machine! And hopefully I will be able to get back to blogging.

Remember to leave a comment if you are interested in the pattern and license plate.

Drawing is now closed.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I am happy to see a Post from you! Glad your Mom is doing better. What a fun class on Featherweights. It was Quilt Sampler magazine. One of my LQS is in it too.

  2. glad Mom is doing better, what a relief it must be for you. My long arm quilter and good friend is from Utah she would love that fabric license plate! I might make it into a little quilt for her! thanks.
    A class like that is great , I own a featherweight but don't' ever use it. I know I should!
    someday maybe.

  3. Glad to hear that your Mom is doing better. That snowflake row is the prettiest that I have seen so far.

  4. The snowflakes are lovely and beautifully made. I'd enjoy making winning the pattern--I love hand stitching.
    It's good to hear your mother is on the mend. Hope you have some time for sewing soon. Thank you for the giveaway.

  5. I love the colors of your EPP flowers. So pretty in the repro colors. The license plates are cute and the snowflake row is adorable.

  6. Those snowflakes are so pretty, and so much detail work. The featherweight class looks so informative. And that orange is speaking to me!

  7. So happy to hear your dear mother is doing well... may the road to recovery go smoothly from here on!

    Love those snowflakes... something like that might tempt me to try EPP. The runner is beautiful!

    Altho I don't have a Featherweight (yet), I would have so taken that class! How cool 4 men attended....

  8. Glad your mother is getting better. Always joy to see one of your posts.

  9. Hope your mom continues to improve. What a neat class. I know there are many us who would take it. Love the colors you're including in your hexie flowers and the snowflakes are awesome!

  10. So glad that your mother is doing better. I really love that license plate!! I have a featherweight, but don't ever use it. The wanting was better than the having.

  11. Love both the pattern and the license plate. I am glad your mother is getting better. Celebrate every day with her.

  12. Your blog is always enlightening! I would have loved to have taken the Featherweight class...they say maintenance is not difficult. I have been following bits and pieces about the row by row...Iowa is not involved. The snowflake pattern is outstanding! I really hope I can win the pattern. Have a great Sunday.

  13. Sure have missed you, although I certainly understand that caring for family trumps blogging. Glad to hear that your mom is doing better.

    Just LOVE those snowflakes! I love, love, love EPP and would love to make those adorable snowflakes!

  14. Thanks for the chance fun to see the guy, would be nice if they would do the maintenance of their ladies machines

  15. I've been thinking of you - so glad your mom is doing better. Still sending hugs and prayers!

  16. pretty row - love the snowflake details. I'd love to take a class on caring for the Featherweight. I haven't used mine in a while.
    Your hexies look great!!
    fun license - love your honesty on looking it up, lol

  17. That really is a very pretty row. I have been making mine into table toppers.

  18. I missed the news of your mom's illness, somehow. Glad she is finally improving some.
    The table runner is pretty! Someday I'd love to own a featherweight. !

  19. The FW class sounds cool.....always good thing to know how to take good care of her. Glad your Mom has improved. That constant care is so stressful, so I am glad you will hopefully get some sewing time in now.

  20. So glad your mom is improving!! I agree with you about the snowflake row being cuter than most of the rows. I've seen the license plates popping up on different blogs. Some are really detailed. Hope you get back to sewing soon. Sometimes it just soothes the soul to sit at the machine.

  21. You have been missed Janet! This must have been a very trying time for you and your family. I am so glad to hear that your Mom is recovering! I hope she continues to improve and grow stronger! Very pretty snowflakes. I have a Featherweight and would love to take a class like that. I love how you fussy cut some of your hexies.

  22. I'm sorry to hear that your Mum's not been well, and it is good to hear that she is recovering. How cool to have a featherweight class, I need to go to a treadle one! The snowflake row is sooo cute. I hope life will slowly return to normal and you will be able to relax a little with some stitching.

  23. I hope your mom gets better and better every day. I would love to win the lovely pattern for the snowflakes. Thanks for the opportunity.

  24. Glad you Mom is doing better. Hope you get to sew soon. The designer did a great job on the snowflake row.

  25. Blessings to you dear friend!! Still praying for your whole family!! Don't put me in the drawing, as I have toooooooo many projects!! But the snowflakes are gorgeous!! So glad that your class was a success!! I know the Bible says not to covet - but I'm wanting a featherweight!! Just not able to right now!! I'm so glad that you have yours and that it will soon get some sewing time!!


  26. I love those snowflakes! They would make an excellent table runner for winter. Glad to hear things are improving on the homefront. I bet your sewing machine misses you.

  27. Good to hear that your Mom is home and improving. I love those snowflakes! They would be perfect for a wall hanging with counted cross stitch snowmen I am putting together. Thanks for the chance.

  28. I've not joined in the Row Shop Hop (yet), but I've sure seen some cute patterns shared! Love the snowflake runner and the plate - thanks for the chance.

  29. Prayers out to all your family and especially your Mother! That featherweight class looks really good!

  30. I'm sorry, I didn't know your mom was in the hospital. Hope she gets better each day.
    Love your little hexie project. Hope you get some time at the machine soon.
    I kept meaning to take that class before I moved. Haven't seen it offered down here. Was the class helpful?

  31. Oh Janet...I missed the news of your mom's illness. Glad she is finally improving some, and such a relief for the family to know that.
    The table runner is pretty. Someday I'd love to own a featherweight....but they are very scarce here down under.
    Julia ♥

  32. I'm so sorry Janet, I didn't know that your precious mother had been sick! Praying that she is feeling better.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  33. Such good news that your mom is doing better! I love the snowflakes and the plates are so cute! I have an old singer that sits in a table though its not a featherweight I think a class would be helpful to get it running.

  34. I sm so sorry, Janet, to learn of your dear mother's illness; prayers are raised for a speedy and complete recovery! There's never too much attention paid to machine maintenance, so glad you were able to sit in on that session (what a cute class name, too!). I do LOVE that snowflake row and would adore a chance to win the pattern, and the plate! You are SEW generous; thank you.

  35. So sorry to hear about your Mom. Somehow I missed the news about her illness but am glad to hear she is doing better. I pray she continues to improve because Mothers are special.
    I really like the snow flakes but don’t put my name in the drawing as I don’t need another project for my to do list.

  36. Glad to hear your mom is on the mend. I'm sure you are focused on her rather than Row by Row hopping, I love the row you showed...I wish I was traveling west this summer as I would definitely want to go to that shop! I would be thrilled to win the snowflake row. I'm happy to report I've actually made 2 of the rows of the 12 or so I have collected. Hope you get back to sewing sooner than later.

  37. Those snowflakes are adorable! The featherweight class looks awesome---I could use a class on the care and feeding of mine!

  38. So happy I found this blog today. I love the snowflakes! Living in Mass., where there is plenty of snow, will make a nice home for these snowflakes. I have made a couple of wall hangings and table runners with snwflake patterns; this one is over the top. I really like to have take along projects and nothing could better than EPP.

  39. I will have to go pick up that pretty pattern. Who knows if it will ever get done, but hey!
    So was Dad one of the 4 men in the class?

  40. I am not doing the row by row but have some friends who are and they are having a blast! I am having a similar experience with the health of my parents and it is such a worry :(

  41. Happy to hear that your Mom is doing better. Do miss seeing your projects in work. The snowflake project is really cute. I like the quilting design too. Makes me think of song. Take care Janet... Sandi

  42. Oh, Janet - I am so glad your Mom is feeling better!! You have both been in my prayers!! That license plate is darling!! And those snowflakes of Annette Rose's are beautiful!! Never heard of row by row!! I must be out of the loop!! :-)) Whaaaaaat?

  43. Janet, I am so sorry to hear about your mom's troubles. I do hope she is recovering and that you are getting some time to yourself! Need to take care of the caretaker, don't forget!!
    And those rows? I'm loving trying to collect them. I even have a few license plates. I just love the idea. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever do the snowflake row but I'd certainly use the license plate, if I'm lucky enough to be drawn as a winner!

  44. I finally have the drool cleaned up from my keyboard so I can write and say PICK ME!!!! PLEASE!!! Love those hexie snowflakes!!!! If our hexie group didn't already have a group project for the fall I would suggest snowflakes...might have to make some anyways since these are very cleverly designed. Fingers are crossed your Mom continues to improve daily!!

  45. Oh, I love those snowflakes!

    I wish someone around here would offer a Featherweight class.

  46. oh janet, so glad to hear she is on the mend and getting back to her old self....

  47. Love those snowflakes cos I do like EPP. What's a featherweight? Also hope that all is going okay for your mum now. I'm visiting from Kris' Lavender Quilts blog

  48. Janet, I am so sorry! I've been taking a break from blogging with my granddaughter's visit this summer, so I didn't know about your mom!!! I'll go back to read the history and will be praying for both of you!

    I took a F/W class several years ago and it was invaluable!!! Helps with other machines too :)

  49. Yes, I'd love to be in the contest!!! That snowflake pattern is really, really cute and I'd love to make it! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  50. Hi Janet, Glad to hear your Mom is feeling better, wishing continued progress, of course enter me in your drawing, hope I win, hope I win.... Thank you for all you do to inspire us and brighten a day!!!

  51. Hi!
    Good news that your Mom is stabilizing. Boy, that's a long 3 weeks.

    I would love a chance to win the pattern and license plate. I've collected just 3 of them and they are fun. Thanks for offering the give away.

  52. I just spent a half hour looking through only the first page of your blog!!
    I've visited before, but I've missed so much. I love all your red, white, and blue! Love your yardstick ideas (I've collected them for years)! Love your style. And of course I would love to win the snowflake pattern and license plate. Thanks for an enjoyable half hour! I'll have to come back to check out all the rest!


I love to have your comments and feedback.