
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Here it is--the R/W/B post.

With apologies to all of my friends outside the USA, I decided to do a little patriotic parade as we approach Independence Day. These are not all still in my possession, but I am trying to hang on to enough of them to decorate my home. So in no particular order, "Three cheers for the red, white and blue!"
My brother has this one.
My daughter, Aimee, has this.
Daughter, Angie, is the owner of this one.

These 2" pineapples have gone to various friends.

I believe Julie and Carole are the owners of these two.

This little grouping hangs in my kitchen. Stars are 2".
The only large quilt in the bunch. Wish the quilting fairies would come quilt it in the night!

This is hanging in my sewing room.

This Lisa Bongean design hangs in my living room, along with...

...this. This is one of two "most pinned" items from my blog.

This little AAQI quilt sold at International Quilt Fest in Houston last year.
No idea where it is. This is the other "most pinned" item from my blog.

I made this for a small quilt swap with Gayle last summer. The only
hand-quilted piece in the bunch here.

This sits on my hutch, but the middle is covered by a soup tureen.

This little pincushion is one of two
r/w/b that I made--the other was gifted.
That is all of the R/W/B stuff I could scrape together. You have probably seen most of it before, but hope it was fun to see it all together.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. oh I enjoyed this post a lot, I just LOVE RWB quilts and with flags just makes me even happier! I will have to add a few to my collection inspired by this post :)
    your tiny ornament pineapple block ones are my favorite though and you know I don't work that tiny !

  2. Love! Love! Love your red white and blue! They are all spectacular! Don't think I can pick a favorite❤️

  3. I may not live within the USA but I love your quilts anyway... rwb is a lovely combination and it is lovely to see your parade.

  4. How great to see all the RWB! We may have seen them before, but love them all. Thanks for sharing these as a group to enjoy.

  5. Gorgeous anything patriotic! You have gotten me into the mood to decorate for the 4th. Thank you for the inspiration!

  6. Three cheers for the red, white, and blue.... love all your quilts! I just finished a R/W/B baby quilt for a July baby. Next I hope to make one for me!

  7. what an amazing collection of RW&B quilts!
    Thanks for the on line quilt show! I think I'll have to post a couple too

  8. Love those quilts! I'm not sure which one would be my favorite ... but I'm inspired to make a R/W/B quilt (the closest I've come are a couple of blue and white log cabins with a red center block).

  9. What a wonderful collection of RWB's! I love the big one awaiting your quilting touch. After our move, I'll need to dig out all my RWB fabrics and get started on some for the new (hopefully old) house. Enjoy the holidays and summer days!

  10. It's so nice to see all these little beauties in one post. OK, I'm favorite of the group is the one that's MINE. :-) Thank you again. The one you made for Gayle is making me itchy to copy it but, considering the date, perhaps I should consider one that might actually get done by the 4th of July. Thanks again for the tutorial for the little tumbler flag; I get so many compliments on the one that I made.

  11. My favorites are the flag made with the tumbler shapes and the piece with the sheep and stars.

  12. Love your RWB quilts, they are darling! Thanks for sharing-love all your posts Janet. I am also a mini quilt, dirty repro lover! I can relate to all of your posts and can't wait for your next one to appear!!!

  13. You have a beautiful collection of RWB. I loved seeing them as one glorious display. It does inspire me to want to make something new with Stars and Stripes.

  14. You make me want to stay home from work and make one of those cuties. Great post!

  15. WONDERFUL, Janet! Love the R.W.& B. collection.


  16. Definitely fun to see them all together. I sold my tumbler flag so I don't think I have anything left that's RWB...

  17. You are very Patriotic! Hurray for the USA. Next week is time for fireworks at the Baseball game.

  18. Much of what you have shared is new to me and a total treat to look at!! Your precise piecing on the tiny quilts is incredible. Also love your fabric choices and colorways - There is something so rich about pairing creams and tans with reds and blues.

  19. What a fun parade of patriotic treasures! You've inspired me to get out my stars and stripes table runner and start quilting it. I had better hop to it if I hope to display it on the 4th!

  20. Thank you for the Red, White and Blue quilt show! I was going to pick a couple of favorites, but I can't , I love too many of them! I especially like your use of the cream and tans in them!

  21. These are awesome!!! I'm sure you can guess that I love them all. I know just how small the one for your daughter is, too, as I have some of the same blue fabric in the stars. Anyway, thanks for the ideas for other projects!!

  22. LOVE 'EM ALL!!! Much to difficult to pick a favorite from this bunch... but I especially like the one that's hanging in your sewing room. You've inspired me make more RW&B projects when time allows. And I see a RW&B blog post in the near future... come on bloggers... let's join Janet's parade!!!

  23. LOVE all of these! Thanks for sharing...I wish I could have one of each for myself! :)

  24. I never get tired of R, W & B! I will miss mine this year as it's still in storage.

  25. Be still my heart!!!!!! Love r/w and blue!!! What a great collection of patriotic pieces!!

  26. Hooray for the Red White and Blue! May we never need to apologize for loving our country. I enjoyed this collection tremendously!

  27. Great idea for a blog post Janet! Lucky me to have the only one you hand quilted - yay! They're all just wonderful - I should make more in RWB too!

  28. So much fun!! I'll take one of each, thank you!!

  29. Your home must be glowing in the red, white and blue.
    Beautiful collection of quilts worked I a theme.

  30. I never get tired of seeing these! They are all wonderful and very patriotic!!

  31. Hip, hip, hooray!! Hip, hip, hooray!! Hip, hip, hooray!!! Red, white and blue is my favorite of all color combinations; even our wedding colors! ;) I applaud your patriotism.

  32. Wow! Wow! Love everyone of your Red, White and Blue minis. Hard to pick my favorite. I am interested in the tumbler flag, is that a pattern that includes regular sizes? I don't have tiny fingers like you (LOL). Your children will cherish their quilts, they are so perfect. Great job. I love patriotic quilts, I guess being married to a vet for 61 years has helped in the love of RWB quilts. I just got back from being with Sandi, and she has one of your minis hanging in her quilting studio. I also am lucky to have an ornament hanging in my sewing room. Hope you have a blessed 4th, stay safe. Betty

  33. Thanks for the show! Beautiful all! Have a happy 4th!

  34. Love the patriotic quilts displayed. I am always amazed by your two inch pineapples. Can never find the templates that small. Thanks for the festive post!

  35. Always wonderful to see the Red / White and Blue! Sandi

  36. Thanks so much for sharing your collectiion of RW&B! All of them are beautiful. Patriotic quilts are favorites of mine too. I have mine out all over the house, and they will be there probably until Labor Day! ---"Love"

  37. Oh yes - great fun seeing them all together in one post Janet!!! You are so talented and your love for R/W/B is evident :) It would be really hard for me to choose a favorite - good thing I don't have to :)

  38. Janet, absolutely fabulous!!! You know that I LOVE every one!!! Way to go!!

    Happy weekend to you!

    Blessings and hugs!

  39. lovely little RWB trunk show janet....beautiful work indeed! masterful piecing...

  40. Each quilt is better than the one before. I knew you would post my favorite.....the flag made from tiny tumblers. Have a nice holiday!

  41. Oh my Janet,
    These are all just beautiful. I just made a little tumbler flag quilt but the tumblers are turned in the other direction. Now I need to make this one.(:

  42. Love it all Mom!
    After the quilting fairies are done at your house...send them over here :)

  43. I really enjoyed seeing all of your RWB quilts ! Thanks and have a Happy & Safe 4th of July !

  44. Great show! Happy RW&B Day!!

  45. I enjoyed this RWB quilty parade. Love them all Janet!
