
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ornies Abound!

When I made the teeny pineapple ornaments for DD#2's fundraiser, there were some who had to  patiently wait until January to receive them. I lined them up to display on my little Shaker peg rack before sending them off.

Oh, wait. There are a couple more.

 It may seem hard to believe now, but my first foray into the world of 2" ornaments was actually in the form of baskets. I blame credit Carol (Brown Quilts blog) for its beginnings. She encouraged me to make tiny baskets for the cornerstones on a make-do basket quilt where I had run out of border fabrics. After making the four baskets for the cornerstones, seen here, I used some leftover HSTs to create a couple more little baskets, not really being sure what to do with them. Finally I just made little pillows and put a loop on them to create a small ornament. This was my first one.

I made a few more as gifts, but then the pineapples took over, and I didn't look back--until last month. A comment by a friend about wanting to make a basket quilt someday gave me the idea that I should make a basket ornament for her upcoming birthday. I had forgotten how fun they are to make. I stitched up a few more last week. These are not foundation pieced and sometimes I am not happy with the results (those two are hanging on my little sewing room tree--they didn't get to pose for photos).  : )

I can make blocks larger than 2", however, and to prove it I offer this.
The 10" block above was shared Tuesday in a tutorial by Nancy (Blogging Near Philadelphia). She wanted someone to try it out and see if everything worked. I love this block, which she calls Polar Vortex, so I was anxious to give it a go. Everything checks out just great! Nice job, Nancy.
I think mine looks more like a Tropical Vortex. I see more of these in my future. : )

My deepest thanks for all of the concern and prayers for my family members facing difficult health issues. Know that your kind words and faith are appreciated!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I have hung my pineapple Ornie above my computer where I have some of my porcelain dolls sitting. The baskets are really cute. I could make some of those with my leftovers/bonus hsts. I am happily housebound tomorrow. How is the Snow in your mountain town??

  2. Nice to hear the story of your cute wee ornaments, and here they are turning full circle, back to the baskets - very lovely. Your Tropical Polar Vortex block is very cool (no pun intended), it has neat movement in it.

  3. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! your teeny pineapples and baskets! You do the BEST teeny, tiny blocks! Your Tropical Vortex block is really fun...

  4. I really must give these ornies a try. And I see one in there made with my green batiks! Love it! :0)

  5. Your tropical vortex is gorgeous! It looks like a fairly simple pattern, but I'll bet a quilt would be spectacular ... the movement! You know you inspired me to make some pineapple ornies ... and mine were a whopping 3" I can't imagine doing 2"!! ;-)

  6. How about a tutorial on the ornaments?!?! I like the polar vortex pattern. Did she design it? Love how you did it in batiks. I'll have to go over and check out her post.

  7. Love that polar vortex block...I went and let her know. your little block Ronnie's are just too cute. I love the one you had gifted me so I know just how amazing they are. A big bowl of them would be delightful as a center piece too.

  8. Love those ornies and the beautiful block!

  9. What a darling way to display these! So cute! Wonderful job Janet!

  10. Your baskets ornaments are so cute! I treasure my pineapple one, and appreciate it every time I see it in the sewing room.
    Pretty block too!

  11. Haha! I keep my ornie out year 'round, too! I love them and continue to marvel at your ability to work with such *tiny* pieces!! And yes, yours does very much look more tropical than polar!! Sweet block! :)

  12. Hmmmm....a couple of those pineapples look very familiar! Love the baskets too - and the polar vortex block is really nice!

  13. Your little ornies are gorgeous! It is relaxing sewing the littles. I do them too & people always marvel at them.:)

  14. I LOVE those little baskets!!! What a great idea for left over hst and triangles - hmmmm - you aren't helping my mounting wanna do project list!! LOL

    Lovely batiks - great job!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  15. The ornies are so cute! And I love the polar vortex block! I looks like a fun block to make and I love the fabrics that you chose.

  16. The background fabric is perfect for the polar vortex block. Swirly. And so many pineapple ornaments. You have made a bunch and oh so well done. I made a mini quilt with tiny basket blocks years ago. I enjoyed making that particular basket design in a small size.

  17. I love my three ornies! What fun to see them pictured here, too! Sure do hope to fund more research on Dravet's Syndrome by ordering more as soon as my budget is better off. I predict that sooner than next Christmas, you will have a run on your basket variety. Keeping you and yours in my prayers for the best.

  18. Those little ornies are so beautiful!! The Vortex block is pretty cool too. Must have felt huge after making the tiny blocks.

  19. I so love your ornaments. So beautiful. Hugs

  20. Love all the ornies :)
    I really like your tropical vortex block...would be fun to do a whole quilt with those.
    Beautiful work as always Mom!

  21. My little pineapple ornies will be displayed all year as well... just to cute not too! And your little basket ornies are going to be as popular as the pineapples... that's my prediction! Polar Vortex is pretty block.... it could be mistaken for a whirling snowflake with all that movement!

  22. Always wonderful to see the beautiful "smalls" you make. So beautiful. Continued best wishes to everyone. Dealing with health issues can be very scary & trying. Keeping them in my thoughts.

  23. It's always such a treat to see your little "ornies" Janet! Love them all!! And your Tropical Vortex block is wonderful - perfect fabrics :)

  24. Did you try any of Temecula's (was it theirs?) tiny baskets? I made a couple and then got sucked into other projects. I am still making 4" baskets as leader enders. Someday I'll have enough to make a bed size quilt. And someday I'll figure out the proper way to get EQ to do the layout I want. Love your tropical vortex - especially on a snowy day it looks like some sunshine is coming again. LOL.

  25. Those are such nice ornaments... will have to give that a try. Your Polar Vortex is gorgeous... fabulous fabrics!

  26. All my little ornies are hanging in my studio so I can enjoy looking at them every single day. I've spent several hours up there today making a denim quilt for SIL's birthday, but I just drew blood with a seam ripper so decided it was time to stop. I'm pretty sure I can replicate your basket block just by looking at it - not sure where it will fit on my to-do list though.

  27. Such cute little ornies gosh, just 2 " small. I finds 4" blocks small enough for me, but I will try a 2 " one day.
    Love the Polar Vortex block so fitting with the weather there just lately.

  28. if only it WAS a tropical vortex and not the polar one....and your little ornaments are sooo cute!

  29. Oh, wow, this real world job stuff is breaking into my fun, quilting, blogging and hopping life!! Your ornies are darling as always (I have one, ya know) but I LOVE your Tropical Vortex - actually more than love it!! One thought though - those colors are pretty bright for you, aren't they? ;-)

  30. Love that vortex block!
    Hope your daughters are holding up okay. What a stressful time for you all :(
    Sending hugs

  31. Janet, I am always amazed by your work. Those are so tiny but that is what makes them so stunning. I also love the 10" block, it would look nice in a larger quilt.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day


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