
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Recent Projects

I remembered to get a photo of the quilt my Mom made that hangs in her living room, behind their sofa.

 Mom hand quilts every quilt she makes. Her stitches are tiny.
 This is the table topper I made her for Christmas from the scraps of the quilt above. No--it is NOT hand quilted. : )

 This is the room where those two quilts now coexist.

I've been making more pineapples, and a couple of other mini designs, into ornaments for gifting. I like to hang these from peg racks throughout the year. They are not just for Christmas trees. If this photo looks familiar it is because I have photographed my ornaments in this same bowl before, but all of these are newly made since Christmas.

Had too much fun yesterday making pie with Pam Buda. (Much thanks to my friend, Kim, who drove me through a snowy mountain canyon to get there, and to Fran, one of the Village Dry Goods shop owners, who let us invade her kitchen.) Will be spending tomorrow and Saturday in Pam's classes and tomorrow night is her trunk show. WooHoo. Good times!! Details to follow. : )

One of my less wordy posts, for which you may all now heave a collective sigh. : )
Until next time--with all kinds of fun from the retreat,
Janet O.


  1. Your topper is perfect to go with your Mum's gorgeous quilt - it is beautiful!! Glad you got through to Pam's workshop ok - hope you have lots of fun!!

  2. Both quilts are stunning! I also love your little sweet! Have fun with Pam and friends...sounds like a wonderful weekend ahead of you!

  3. The topper you made your Mum goes perfectly with the lovely quilt, I like the touch of blue on the sofa....the cushion.
    Your Pineapple ornaments are fabulous!
    Fun times with Pam.

  4. Enjoy every minute of retreat... you lucky gal, and pie, too! :) Love those mini pineapples; your tabletopper is so pretty, the perfect companion to your mother's exquisitely lovely wall quilt!

  5. I love the quilt and the table topper! They're beautiful! :0)

  6. Looks like those two quilts add a lot of color to your mom's house Janet. Glad you made it to the pie class safely - can we expect pie for the whole class tomorrow? LOL Love the little basket ornie.....

  7. Love the blues, browns and golds of your mother quilt. It's beautiful there above the couch. Is the cake stand ornament a new pattern for you? Love the pinks. Looks like you are already having fun with Pam Buda. Looking forward to hearing about the class and trunk show. Hope the weather cooperates!

  8. How funny ... here I was thinking, "It's over already?! Pooh!" :) Those two quilts coexist quite nicely together -- you done good! And please tell your mom her hand quilting is exquisite!! One of the very bad things about taking so long to quilt MOC is that there's a definite difference in the quality of my quilting in the first blocks vs. the last blocks! Yikes! Your pineapple ornaments are darling and always make me marvel!! I'm *so* glad you had fun with your pie-baking class!! It makes me smile! Have a GREAT time with the classes!!!! :)

  9. Your Mom's quilt is gorgeous!! And her hand quilting - yiks!! One of these days . . . Cute, cute picture of you and Pam!! Hope your classes were super fun!!

  10. oh janet, such lovely quilts! and another hand quilter, great! i love your header photo..that is where i like to see a photo! and be sure and tell us about your weekend....i just know you had a blast

  11. Okay, I'm very very very green right now!!!! Not only do you have a featherweight but you got to spend time with Pam!!! What a treat for you to share all your goodies with us!! Your Mom is a sweetie and I LOVE BOTH quilts!!! Great job!!

    Blessings dear friend!

  12. Love your moms gorgeous quilt! Wish I had a quilt hanger like that.:) Really, really sweet that you make those ornaments too. Great job!

  13. The design of the quilt behind the sofa looks oh so familiar. I think I have or had the pattern or one similar. It is a very nice quilt and good colors.

  14. You are so lucky to have a mom who is still quilting. A great example of finishing your projects. I hear mine saying " Are you going to Finish anything" like when I quit my Piano lessons, and when I had to stop taking Ballet. Happy to see you having fun at the Retreat!

  15. It's easy to see that talent runs in the family... your Mom's hand quilting is beautiful! Love the quilt design, fabrics, vibrant colors... everything! And I happen to know how wonderful your mini ornaments are, being the proud owner of two of them! Looks like you and Pam were having fun with the pie making! Looking forward to hearing all about the retreat... take lots of pictures to share!

  16. Your mom's quilt is exquisite! I do miss seeing hand quilted quilts. It's so wonderful that you and your mom share such a beautiful craft. I love the (new ?) little cake stand basket ornament! Have a wonderful time at the retreat; baking pie is sure a great way to start. Is that another one on the counter? Can't wait to hear all about the retreat ...with plenty of pictures, too. (PS: Glad to see 'the picture' back on your blog .. even if it is at your mom's house.)

  17. Your Mom's quilt is gorgeous, and her stitches....WOW.. From what I can see they are VERY tiny. Your table topper is the perfect compliment to go along with the quilt. And making Pie with Pam Buda; it looks like you girls really had a fun time. We will expect to see photos of the finished pie(s) soon! Have fun in her classes.

  18. Your mom's quilt is just beautiful and her stitches are AMAZING! The table topper is just perfect! Have a ton of fun at the retreat....ENJOY her classes and really enjoy the yummy pie!

  19. Love - love - love your mom's quilt! Have fun at the retreat - you lucky girl you.

  20. Love your mom's quilt and the topper you made that matches - very nice! Hope you have a great time this weekend! I still want some ornaments - so let me know!

  21. The two quilts work perfectly together. Both beautiful. Enjoy your class and, of course, the pie!

  22. your quilt for grandma is a perfect addition to that room! that multi colored orn. is my fave...and i love that picture of you and pam! can't wait to see what you learn this weekend!

  23. Thank you so much for sharing that little table topper in its home ... so sweet! Not only are you blessed to be attending a retreat with Pam Buda, but you got to make a pie with her! I believe that I'm jealous! ;-) Have fun at your retreat ... maybe you'll share pictures so I can live vicariously through you? ha!

  24. Your mom's quilt is lovely and so is yours! Perfect in the same room.
    Your taking a class with her ,but how did you end up making a pie with her?! That's awesome!

  25. What fun to have a mom that quilts! Your little leftovers quilt is a perfect complement to her big one. She must have loved it immediately! Love your little pineapples. Cute photo of you and Pam Buda! Hope you're having a terrific time sewing, now that the sweets making is taken care of :)

  26. Janet, everything is soooo lovely. Your mom's quilt is beautiful.

  27. Janet, your mom sure does beautiful work!! I can see where you get your talent from. And the pie making looks like a great day! Can't wait to see what you made in the class!

  28. Gorgeous work by your Mom. The proverbial apple doesn't fall very far from the tree, huh? *wink*

    Your mini pineapples are exquisite, Janet. I don't think I could even hold pieces that tiny...never mind sew with them! Gorgeous!

  29. Beautiful--so nice you made a mini for your Mom from her scraps. Going to sell more ornaments? Sure hope so

  30. Well, its easy to see where you get your talent and love for quilting!!! Your mom's quilt is simply GORGEOUS!!! And it is displayed so beautifully - wow!!! Your table topper is just perfect, and I know she loves it :*)

    Your pineapples never cease to make me happy!!!! I had quite a few lovely comments on those on my tree this year. I feel so blessed to have those from you :*) Of course, now they hang in my sewing studio, and they m ake me smile everyday! Have fun in your classes and come back to share anything you can with us!


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