
Friday, January 17, 2014

Heartspun Quilts Trunk Show!

On the night of the retreat we had a wonderful meal at Maddox Lodge. Then Pam shared with us her thoughts on quilt making by "prairie women" and the "make-do" approach many had to apply. She had several antique quilts on hand for us to see, illustrating the elements she described. Then we were treated to a parade of her lovely designs and creations for Heartspun Quilts. I won't try to show you all of them, but there are quite a few I can't resist sharing. For the most part, I'll let them speak for themselves.

I have been eyeing this on Pam's blog for some time. She has done it in R/W/B there, and I love it that way!

                                                                 This pattern is named Winter Retreat, so of course I had to buy it at Winter Retreat. I have plans for this that I will share another time.

I think I am already sorry I didn't buy this pattern. I would like to make it bed size.

Love the baskets all topsy-turvey!

No Y-seams in this design--thanks, Pam!

 Above is Pam's new design "Settler's Puzzle". Below, you can see some of Linda Hrcka's beautiful quilting.

Dark and dirty churn dash, in a small quilt. Be still my heart!

Fun to see Nabby's Dowry in person, after having sewn along with Pam to make it myself (only mine isn't quilted yet).

I came home with a stack of patterns. At the trunk show, the pattern, hexie papers, and fabric for this pincushion were all in a little kit by our place setting.

I was gifted two of these "Journey" packs by a couple of very sweet women--I bought the other one.

 Village Dry Goods gals made one of these cool mug caddies for each participant in Friday's workshop. Love it! Had to buy the pattern. : ) Saturday's workshop participants got a jar of hand made hand cream. Wonderful stuff--thanks to Fran!

 Each day Pam gifted us with one of her patterns and a fun sewing themed bag.

Kim, my friend and traveling companion, presented me with this very sweet and fun bundle! On the left are two bars of soap she made. Can't wait to try it! And just look at that chunky churndash pincushion. I forgot to ask if she knew it is one of my favorite blocks--and I love pink and brown together!

Pam and the Village Girls made sure it was a wonderful weekend! Now back to reality!! : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. She does have such lovely patterns!!! I've made a couple of those in SAL!!

    Thanks for sharing your fun time!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Can't believe I just found your blog! (I'm Norma's friend Debbie Raymond.) I'm inspired by your quilting life...and pie making too, as seen on Pam Buda's blog. Your quilts are gorgeous and numerous!

  3. What a fabulous workshop! Beautiful quilts and such a generous teacher!

  4. Wish I could have been there myself! Such wonderful quilts!

  5. Wow! What a treat to share in these quilts, thanks so much for posting. You had a wonderful retreat experience with all the sweet gifts and much to do in the future. The patterns are all inspiring and the quilting on that settler's puzzle took my breath away! I know you just had to be on cloud 9 during all of this fun!

  6. It would be impossible to leave the retreat without some of Pam's patterns... how on earth did you decide on which patterns would go home with you??? Like you I have admired the house and flying geese pattern on her blog. It is a timeless design! You will be very busy back in the real world! Thanks for sharing all.the lovelies!

  7. O my!! It all looks so fabulous. I wouldn't have been able to stop drooling the whole time!! So much inspiration!!

  8. Beautiful show of Quilts. I had to buy the House pattern after I did Nabby's Dowry and saw it on Pam's Blog. Lucky you to come home with future projects. Thanks for sharing!

  9. How fun that you got to go. I followed Pam there on Facebook. I wish I could have been there!

  10. Oh my gosh!!! Did you think you had died and gone to Heaven? That was the perfect retreat for you girlfriend!!! Love all those sweet little quilts :*) I don't know how you managed to not buy every pattern there!

  11. Lots of beautiful quilts there. Sch amazing quilters

  12. What a great trunk show!! I think I love every single one!

  13. Oh my - I'm in love with several of those, the first two especially! I wonder if she has the patterns for sale on her website? Thanks so much for sharing was almost as good as being there ... Almost. Ha!

    1. I cannot find patterns for the first two quilts on her website (did find one for that windowpane one that you liked, too). Do you mind if I share your pictures of those two in an email to Pam to see how I might get patterns for those quilts? Thanks!

    2. Just for the info of any who read this--those two quilts are from the Journey Two packet of the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle.

  14. Thank you for sharing all the pictures. I've named all the quilts...They are all called "I want to make it". Can't wait to see what you do. Hugs

  15. Hi Janet - Fun to see all your photos from the trunk show - they're always amazing in person, huh? Looks like you came home with LOTS of treasures and memories too. I have all the fixins' to make one of those canning jar lid pincushions - just need to get around to it!

  16. Thanks for sharing some photos of the trunk show. Lots of new goodies. Now get busy! lol

  17. What a fun and lovely retreat Janet.
    Love seeing all the quilts, and how amazing is Linda's feather quilting.
    Very inspiring, a few there that could go on my "to do list"
    I too love the churn dash block.
    Julia ♥

  18. Oh, oh Winter Retreat.....that's my fav one! And the house one toooooooo!!

  19. Wonderful quilts and super fun gifts galore!! It would be hard to pick which quilt i like best!! :-)) So glad you had such a nice time - you needed it!!

  20. What a gorgeous array of quilts! So wonderful that you had this opportunity.

  21. Oh Janet ... what a lovely grouping of quilts were shared! I'd have been in mini heaven! LOL! I know you had an amazing time. And what fun purchases and gift! Makes it all the sweeter!! Have you enjoyed this week of basking in the afterglow?! ;)

  22. Oh there are so many lovely quilts in this post! Love them!

  23. What a great weekend you had! Love all of the gifties and fun things that went home with you. Glad you had such a fun time! The quilts all look beautiful.

  24. So much eye candy! I love the tumbling baskets too... how inspiring!

  25. I really love that little house quilt with the flying geese. You had so many wonderful quilts in this post, that it would be hard to choose a favorite. It looks like you had good food and good fun with friends.

  26. I just saw all the pie making photos over on Pam's blog. Wow! They look just as good as I'm sure that they tasted. I usually have to pick one....looks or taste. LOL

  27. OMG! "Be still my heart" is right! I want them all !!!!! Thanks so much for sharing not only the trunk show (eye candy to the nth degree) but also the other days of the retreat as well. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. Now it's time for me to hop over to Pam's site and order some of those goodies. Jo's Little Women's Club is starting next month so, between that and Pam's patterns, I'm going to have enough CW delights to keep me out of trouble for quite a while. Thanks again for making us all feel like we were right there with you.

  28. Thanks for sharing all of Pam's wonderful quilts. WIsh I could have been there!

  29. What a good time! Thanks for sharing with us and for some inspiration.

  30. Wonderful eye candy and looks like you are going to be busy with those new patterns!!! Thanks for all the great photos!

  31. The quilts are all beautiful. Looks like you had a great time girlie!

  32. What a wonderful array of quilts! I especially noted the Bow Ties set on point with RED, my favorite color right now. You have so much inspiration now, you go girl!

  33. I love Pam and her quilts! I would love to have been there with you! Also, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog today.

  34. Thanks for sharing the trunk show with us. I can hear how much fun you had with the words you wrote. Love the pincushion. Sandi

  35. I thought I'd already left a comment here, but I guess not. (or my late night eyes missed it)
    Absolutely lovely quilts, and I would have been severely hyperventilating, being in the same room as all these special little creations. Wow !! her trunk show looks like it was a unique occasion, something I would have thoroughly enjoyed. Lucky you and all the retreat gals.


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