
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Where did everybody go?

This is my last little quilt for this year's Simply Charming Every Other Month SAL. It seems that the participants have vanished into thin air. Never mind, I need closure (which is not evident if you peek in my UFO closet), so I am finishing up. When the SAL began, I went through the book and chose the 6 quilts I would make through the year. For December I chose to use the pattern named "Lucille's Sewing Basket." Yes, I switched it up a little, but stayed pretty true to the pattern.
 The basket blocks are 4" finished. They were all made using a holiday charm pack that had been gifted to me by DD#1. Though the quilts in the book are designed specifically around charm squares, this is the first time I have actually used a charm pack in making one of them. I wasn't going to use black sashing (it has been a frequent sight in my quilts lately), but it just insisted on happening. The setting triangles are from a Kansas Troubles holiday print that matched color-wise and theme-wise. I wanted to use a dark green, but didn't have enough of an appropriate shade. Maybe I can bind it in dark green--do you think? Whatever color I use, I think it needs a dark binding.

What is really fun about this little quilt is that I started the piecing with my new baby--as yet unnamed.

I have been trying to find a featherweight for a couple of years, and recently Kristie (CowgirlQuilter blog) offered to sell me this one. Isn't it sweet? DH bought it for my Christmas. The night it arrived I pulled out the parts that were cut and ready for this little quilt and did a bit of piecing. Then I carted it off the next day for a regular maintenance call, so it will be ready to go under the tree. Thanks, Kristie! I love it!!
And thanks to my friend, Annie M. (no blog) and her thoughtful and timely little gift package, I had a 1/4" foot, manual, bobbins and needles on hand. I was set to go!

How is everyone doing with finishing up their handcrafted gifts? After cutting it awfully close last year on getting three quilts ready as Christmas gifts, I was planning on a "no gift quilt" Christmas this year, with one exception. That exception is all ready to be bound.
I have said before that my mother gives me the scraps and leftover units from the quilts she makes. This quilt was made from some of those pieces. The quilt she created using these 9-patch blocks is currently hanging behind the sofa in her living room. It has a lovely appliqued border and is hand quilted. With the leftovers I have made her this table topper to go on her nearby dining table. The 9-patch center is just cross-hatch quilting, like her original (but mine isn't hand quilted), and there is NO APPLIQUE in the border of the one I made (big surprise there, right?). I did have fun feathering the border, though.

It will definitely be a white Christmas in my neck of the woods. I hope you have a lovely Christmas, whatever the color!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Beautiful last photo....we will have plenty of sunshine for Christmas Day, although some rain is also forecast - the best Christmas present for us farmers but I guess not everyone will be happy! Love the 9-patch for your mother, that's a very delicious blue where the feathers are. How neat to have the featherweight to sew on too....has she a name yet? Your Simply Charming has also come up lovely - now you can plan something new for next year?!

  2. Love the quilt for your mother and the little baskets. You amaze me with your tiny works of art. Glad the machine got there in one piece. I'm sure you had a giggle with all the packing. :) I hope you get years of enjoyment out of her. Doesn't look like we will have a white Christmas here in KY, just wet and cold. Hope you have a Blessed Christmas!

  3. I love my Mom's Featherweight as well, Janet. I don't use it as often as I should.

    The mini you made for your Mom from Tara's book is divine. How can she not love it?

    What can I say about your 9 patch table topper? In this case, Less is definitely More. So, so pretty.

    The view out your "back forty" is spectacular. You have the mountains as a backdrop and we have the ocean. Love them both.

    Merry, merry Christmas to you and yours, my friend.

  4. What a spectacular picture out your window! Love your little baskets and your 9 patch from your mom's leftovers is fantastic....she's going to flip. ENJOY your little machine...I have one that I'm going to sell after the first of the year...I'd love for it to go to a good home like yours did...someone who will love it like you do. Merry! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  5. The little quilt is so cute and I think a dark green binding will be perfect. Your Mom will be very happy with the table topper! And you will be so happy with your new featherweight. I love mine - they are perfect for piecing. I usually only use mine while traveling or when my Janome is at the shop, but recently, I was thinking it would be so nice to have is set up permanently so that when I am quilting a large quilt I can leave it on my sewing table and use the FW for piecing a different quilt. Now I just have to figure out where I can do that. BTW, it was 70 here in VA yesterday and we are having fun with 2 of the darlingist and sweetest little GSs. Eli wanted me to wear his large jingle bell necklace yesterday.

  6. I am kind of envious of your white Christmas except for the cold part. Love the picture in your header.
    Congratulations on getting a featherweight! I really enjoy sewing on mine and I'm sure that you will too.
    The quilt you made for your Mother is just beautiful.
    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  7. oh that little basket doll quilt is adorable!! I love the color combination.
    What a nice nine patch quilt - one of my all time favorite patterns.
    I love my feather weight and sounds like you do too!
    Merry Christmas, the scenery is beautiful!

  8. You are so good at making small blocks. You have so much "stick to it-ness". You make up your mind you are going to do something and keep going until it is done. An example is the machine quilting and the wonderful feathers. Now if you would just decide applique is the next thing you need to conquer.

  9. Love your basket blocks. That is a really cute little quilt.
    Congratulations on your Featherweight!

    Beautiful snow photograph!

  10. As always, all of your projects are great, I mean...baskets and 9 could you go wrong?! Lovely post card in your last picture (haha!) - such a beautiful view. We will have a white Christmas too - had sleet and freezing rain yesterday and several inches of snow overnight. It is so beautiful to look at (from the cozy confines of my sewing room!). Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  11. janet, what a lovely gift! oh don't they sew beautifully? i love my little phoebe...and maine too will be white but i will be in maryland so maybe grilling for christmas dinner? happy for you dear friend...all the blessings this christmas!

  12. Ooooo... such fun! A finish, an almost finish, snow, and a Featherweight! Wonderful stuff happening at your house!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, my friend!

  13. Congratulations, Janet on your Christmas Featherweight!!! What a special gift :) Oh my, the darling little basket quilt...wonderful colors and prints.

    Your last picture is "postcard" perfect! We received snow last night I have last minute projects that need to be finished ---I am thankful to be toasty warm inside today looking out at the pretty view!

    Christmas blessings to you and your family.


  14. Congratulations on your little sewing machine! It is so cute!!
    The basket quilt is a lovely finish for the SAL. Merry Christmas!

  15. What a beautiful view. Your newest quilts are great and you always are able to be very innovative. Enjoy your featherweight! What a lovely gift.

  16. Dear little quilt and the black sashing was a good choice! You must name your Featherweight - mine is also a Christmas present from DH - found in August with instructions not to be used until Christmas. Finally - next week!! And she is named, cleaned and ready to play. Have a Merry Featherweight Christmas.

  17. Your mom's Christmas gift is lovely, as is your new little Featherweight! You'll have many happy hours stitching with that baby. What a peaceful view you have. No snow here, we're having a bit of a warming trend with current 7 a.m. temp at 47 degrees. I'll take it! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  18. Your Featherweight looks like it is in great condition. I really enjoy mine when I go to a retreat or to sew with friends. I bought the book to make those little quilts, and I think I only made blocks for the first one. Your feathers in the border of your Mom's table topper are beautiful. It was nearly 60 here yesterday, and all of our snow is gone. Merry Christmas.

  19. Beautiful basket quilt, love the 9-patch too! Looks like your newly acquired Featherweight is a Centennial Edition. What a treasure! Merry Christmas & happy sewing.

  20. I 'm so happy I wandered over to your blog. Lovely work! I love the quilts you are working on & the colors too. I learned to sew on the featherweight & still have it, although I never use it anymore. Maybe I need to open it up again.......
    Merry Christmas & keep sewing.

  21. Precioso edredón cestas !!!!
    me gusta.............
    feliz año nuevo

  22. Both of these quilts are simply perfect! I'll graciously accept either one! lol! ;-) Another magnificent view of the mountains... so peaceful!

  23. Oh my heart at the sight of the last photo! WOW!!! Love the feathered border, very cool. I think the black you used for the sashing would be nice as a binding, if you have enough, it 's a nice fabric. Lovely old machine.
    Happy Christmas to you!

  24. No appliqué , Why not? Christmas is the only time of year I wish we had some snow.

  25. How blessed you are with a DH who will buy you a Featherweight for Christmas! Your two quilts are so precious, too. I especially love that colonial type blue on the nine patches and the baskets look subtly Christmas, a nice touch.

  26. Sew Nice to have a featherweight after searching and wishing for one. They come to us when they are ready. Do you know what year it is? Your House with Lights looks so festive, Mine pales here- NO lights on my house, just on the Tree inside. Merry Christmas !Your mom will love it with or without applique.

  27. I'm jealous ... no white Christmas here. :-(

    Love that 9 patch ... gorgeous colors. I'm sure your mom will be pleasantly surprised.

  28. Your new "baby" looks wonderful--sometimes simple is best. Your quilts are beautiful!

  29. Lovely little quilt - and I agree, a dark binding will be perfect :*) How wonderful it must be to be able to make quilts from your mom's scraps! My mom is an artist - I told her I need her to paint some fabric for me so I can make a quilt from it :*) LOVE your picture - how beautiful and peaceful.... looks just like Christmas!!! Hugs & Merry Christmas dear friend!!!

  30. Grandma's little quilt is beautiful Mom. She will love it!
    Glad you got your new machine. It looks like a classic!

  31. Janet - I'm SO drawn to basket quilts - I definitely want to make one myself someday - you've done several already - right? Can't go wrong with a classic 9-patch - love it! Congrats on your 'new' featherweight! I found mine for $75 at a yard sale over 10 years ago and I absolutely LOVE it! Think I'll take it to the Pam Buda class. It's fun to find the date of manufacture for your machine - then you can have a good excuse to buy it new fabric for a birthday present each year! LOL

  32. What a gorgeous view you have! I know I say that every time you post a photo, but really... it's a amazing! Your Mom will be really happy with her quilty gift!

  33. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Janet. We were hit with an ice storm and were without power for three days. When it kicked in Christmas Eve we were very thankful but our thoughts are with those still in the dark and cold.

  34. Janet, I love your little featherweight. My mom gifted me hers for my birthday 1 year ago. I am afraid to use it but will be turning a new leaf this coming year and will be using my vintage machines. My featherweight is a 1948...she is a beauty...I have named her Eliza. Love your projects...a dark binding is in great order for the Mary

  35. Black sashing is your signature so go with it! Have fun with your new toy. They are so darn cute! I'm sure your mom was pleased with the table topper. We each have our gifts and one of yours is feather quilting. Beautiful photo of the snow. I'd have trouble getting anything done with that view. Happy New Year!

  36. I *love* your white Christmas (and will settle for enjoying yours, instead of lamenting for white for my own). We had a very green and grey Christmas---I think that would make a fun name for a quilt! Green and Grey Christmas! Hahaha! Now to design it, right? Hope y'all are doing well! Hugs and happies for the New Year!! :)

  37. I love your little basket quilt. Such pretty fabric! I have always wanted a featherweight. What a great Christmas gift. We also had a white Christmas and since it in now such a deep freeze I think we will probably have a white Valentine's and St. Patrick's day as well.


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