
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Done and Done!

I have now completed all of the challenges I plan to do as part of the SewCalGal 2013 FMQ Challenge. With the deadline less than a week away, I can breathe a sigh of relief!
I had only planned on doing one more, but you will see that I succumbed to two!

"It's All About Borders" was a challenge provided by Patsy Thompson. Her challenge in Dec. of 2012 was what I was working on last year when feathers finally started to click, so I have a soft spot in my heart for her. : )
For this challenge we were to create a quilt, table runner or wall hanging with 8-10 borders. In each border we were to quilt a different design, with at least two of them coming from Patsy's 2012 tutorial. We could design it in any way we wanted. Here is my finished piece.
Hard to see the quilting in that photo. Here are some close-ups.

The back side.
The fourth and eighth borders were from Patsy's tutorial. The third border was a variation on one of those designs. The first, second and sixth borders were made using stencils. The fifth border was based on Sarah Vedeler's Spiral tutorial in the November 2012 SewCalGal FMQ challenge. The seventh border was my take on a border design from LuAnn Kessi's sketchbook.
I had a lot of fun putting this together and choosing and quilting the border designs.

The last challenge I chose to complete was Quilted Postcards by Janet McElroy. We were to create one or more quilted postcards, with the option to participate in an organized exchange.  I dug into my batik scraps to make these four postcards, using Janet's tutorial.
This gives you a little better view of the quilting on them.

 These were fun to create, but more time consuming than would be practical any time I want to send a postcard. : )
They are all now addressed and ready to send off. Hope to get them in the mail tomorrow. I am not participating in the swap, but am sending them off to mostly unsuspecting recipients. What fun!

This is about all the quilting that has happened around here this month. Prepping for our trip to NH, taking our trip to NH and recovering from our trip to NH took a good chunk of the month. Then I spent a couple of days sick, and finally, on Tuesday I looked out my kitchen window to see my MIL lying in her driveway (she is my neighbor, across the pasture). She had tripped and fallen, breaking her upper femur and lower hip. So I have spent many hours this week at the hospital. I have been stitching on my little house blocks there. Maybe I'll share those next time.
Until then,
Janet O.


  1. You are an amazing quilter! Love the banner too!

  2. Oh Im sorry to hear about your MIL that must have been a scarey sight!
    I love the photo in your header -
    your quilting is just amazing. I'm so impressed with your progression and skill. I love the simple pieced top with all the swirly stitches.
    The post cards are so fun. I haven't made of those in years.

  3. How frightening to find your MIL on the driveway! I hope she heals well.

    I will hereafter think of you as Mrs. Peacock. Those feathered borders are va-va-va-voom!!

  4. You really did it! So proud of you to finish up that challenge. It was a rough one, but the results you achieved prove that all the practice is worth it.
    Send prayers to you and MIL for good recovery.

  5. How scary that must have been to see your MIL lying on the driveway like that - praying that she is healing up just fine.

    That little quilt with all those borders is so delightful - I love it!

  6. Beautiful quilting--great job with the challenge!

  7. Janet, your quilting is so beautiful, beyond words of describing.....I hope your MIL is doing better. Takes a long time to heal as we become seniors. Like your post cards. I agree with you, they are more of a keepsake than a sending a note. Have a great weekend.

  8. Oh my, Janet... seeing your MIL lying in the driveway must have given you a major adrenaline rush. I hope she's feeling better... I'll be praying for healing for her. And bless you for taking good care of her and spending so much time in the hospital with her... I know she appreciates it! I'm glad you have your houses to work on.

    I love all the quilting on this borders challenge... you have really clicked with the feathers and all the other wonderful designs!

    Those are great postcards... not only will they brighten up the lives of the recipients but will bring smiles to all the postal workers who handle them along the way.... ya done good!

  9. You have mastered the quilting of feathers! your table topper is beautiful.
    I hope that your MIL is on the mend now. Good thing that you live close by to help her,

  10. Oh, Janet - I am so sorry about your MIL!! Those dang falls!! Hope she is okay!! Is she home from the hospital yet?? On a happier note, your quilt borders challenge is more than fabulous and those little post cards!! On wow!! Take care and let me know if you need anything!!

  11. You are a professional! Practice truly does make perfect.

  12. You did a FABulous job on that quilt challenge, Janet!! I have watched in awe as your FMQ skills have grown into these gorgeous pieces of art. You are an inspiration, my friend. :) So so sorry to hear about your MIL's fall and broken bones. Sending prayers and hugs.

  13. Good that you looked out the window in time to see your MIL on the ground. Sorry about the breaks. No fun getting older- It's NOT for WIMPS! Love your Many Borders of Quilting. The center is beautiful! I've made Postcards beofre. One at a time- what a mess!

  14. Oh my gosh! I hope your MIL will be ok. Breaking a hip is scary with an older person.

    As for the quilts- WOWSER! Your medallion quilting is fantastic and I'd say you rose and exceeded the challenge!!

  15. First of all, I like the fall scene in your header. The post cards are oh so interesting. I like the writing on the back that makes it look like a real postcard.

  16. I'm so sorry to read about your MIL, but still she is fortunate to live close to you and you were home to see her plight and get help quickly. Your quilted projects are so lovely!

  17. Is that new picture from NH? I had no idea you were even working on that border piece. It's lovely.
    Your postcards are so sweet and beautiful! How fun!

  18. Janet - That must have been so frightening to see your MIL! Hope she heals quickly. I've made a handful of quilted postcards before and I thought they were a lot of fun. Might try to make and send one to each member of my family next year for their birthday - wish me luck! Your feathers are gorgeous!

  19. Oh my Janet, I am so impressed with your quilting! Every border is wonderful and unique... fantastic! You should be very proud!
    The postcards are the cutest... and so well done! No surprise there!
    So sorry about your MIL... wishing her a speedy recovery.

  20. Your quilting skills have been pushed and challenged through your year long challenge. Your medallion quilt is awesome. You should be pleased with your new abilities and skill level. Well, done. So sorry to hear about your MIL,glad you were so close by to come to her rescue.

  21. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Starting from your batik choices to all that beautiful quilting. I like the two colors of thread for the medallion center and all those pretty swirls, curls, waves, arcs, and feathers. You should be very proud of all your hard work on this.

    Sorry to hear about your MIL, how scary! Hope she feels better soon.

  22. oh janet, how awful. hope she makes a full is one of my mother's biggest fears, that she will fall and break something...and love your border challenge piece. ahhh the quilting...beautiful! and postcards are sooo darn cute! you are managing to keep busy still i see!

  23. Praying for your dear MIL. How horrible and scary that must have been for her. Praying that she heals quickly.

    I am amazed by your beautiful quilting. Love the feathers! Your postcards are so cute!!! I'm sure they were a lot of work. I made some several years ago and was shocked at the work that went into something so tiny.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  24. Wow!!!! Your quilting is fabulous!!!!!

  25. Sending thoughts for your MIL - how awful! Hope she mends soon xxx

  26. Gorgeous beautiful quilting Janet. Lots of swirls and feathers in the borders look fantastic.
    Love the little postcards also, I have some that were sent tome a few years ago, I must post about them one day.
    Best wishes to your MIL, I hope she makes a full recovery, what a scare that must have been for you all.
    Julia ♥

  27. Your projects are always a joy to see, Janet, especially your impressive FMQ. Your dedication and continued practice have produced some exceptional quilting projects.
    Wishing continued recovery for your MIL.

  28. Beautiful work, Janet. I agree that postcards like these are for special occasions, but a fun way to play for a day. I hope you are doing well as you help your MIL. Best wishes to all!

  29. So sorry about your MIL - thank goodness you saw her and live so close by. Hugs and prayers to all of you!
    Your quilting just looks wonderful! Wow!

  30. You've completed some great challenges this year. Your quilting has reached new heights. A busy month for you, but all so well worth it in the end. Give my best to your MIL for a speedy recovery. Sandi

  31. GORGEOUS border quilting! You're MIL is lucky you saw her. Hope she recovers steadily.

  32. I am truly dazzled by your quilting! And wishing a full recovery for your MIL.

  33. I've so enjoyed your FMQ journey. Your challenge quilt is awesome. Well done! Love the postcards, too! I'm like you with the travel - it seems like I spend more time preparing and recovering than traveling! Hope your MIL has a speedy and full recovery.

  34. A job definitely well done! Congratulations on finishing the challenge! Your quilting is amazing. Unfortunately, I have given up on trying to get it done by tomorrow. I wanted to finish the 2 I lacked, but there was too much else to do and I didn't get it done. I'm not giving up on FMQ, though. I am still doing my own quilting and will continue with it.

  35. So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law's fall! Thank goodness that you happened to see her from your window. My prayers go out for a speedy and complete recovery for her.
    Your quilting on the borders piece is just masterfullly done. I'm in awe and thank you for showing the back to see it better.
    Lastly, I'm so sorry to hear that you were under the weather yourself and hope that all is better now.

  36. Oh my goodness, you have certainly had a busy month. Your feathers are fantastic as well as all those beautiful borders. Incredible work!

    Hugs to your MIL. Hope she is back on her feet soon.

  37. Awesome work, your quilted top is gorgeous!!! I love the variety of designs you have used. The postcards are very nice as well, I'm so pleased you got into them :-) I hope your mother-in-law heals quickly and well.

  38. Janet, I sure hope that your mother in law is recovering from her fall. I think it's hard for the elderly to recover from those kinds of injuries so I'm going to keep your family in my thoughts!

  39. Hi Janet, first off I do hope your MiL is now on the mend, what a dreadful shock for you. I have to say the postcards you made are superb. I also hope you will continue to make them, I know sometimes they can be time consuming but as you make more of them you will learn to cut corners here and there so speeding up the process without losing the beauty of these little gems. Thank you for giving them a go anyway, I appreciate it as people don't know me from Adam, keep quilting....


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