
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Oh My Stars!!

And they are my stars now, but I didn't make them. Aren't they beautiful? These were made by Karen (Log Cabin Quilter blog). Apparently she has been sorting through UFOs--shedding the projects that she no longer cares to finish. She had told me something was coming my way, but I had no idea what to expect. Two boxes arrived at my door the other day. This shows the contents! I was floored!
Not only the stars were within, but the pattern and parts to finish the quilt,
along with makings for an apple core quilt, a half log cabin, and the
beginnings of a Sister's Choice quilt. Oh, and some shirt parts.
It was an early Christmas!!
 Another piece of fun mail was this Australian magazine from Liz (quilterie blog). She is featured inside along with a wonderful quilt she designed. Isn't this great? It is a wonderful issue about traditional patterns with a modern twist. I love what Liz has done. Click to see it larger.

Aside from opening fun mail, I have mostly been working on some swap projects and birthday gifts, which can't be shown yet. But I can show you my slow progress on Bonnie Hunter's (Quiltville blog) Crabapples (aka It's So Vermonty). I  have around 1/3 of the blocks made. I've been trying to decide on a sashing color and have tentatively settled on a really dark brown tonal print. However, I am open to suggestions.

I know I said I wasn't doing any more SALs right now, but I needed more leader/enders and I had some already cut pieces just the right size for many of these, and the others were really easy to cut and it hardly took any time at all, and I just cut from the scraps that were sitting on my cutting table. Have I justified this enough? Of course, this is a SAL from Cheri (quiltsbycheri blog). She calls it "a piecework sampler." I just have three more little blocks to make and then each block gets bordered and the whole thing gets sashed. You can see Cheri's version here.
It works up very quickly and there is really no excuse not to make it--at least I couldn't find one.

I hope you have time for some fabric therapy today.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh my! Those are beautiful stars! And so many other goodies, too! you will have such fun putting things together and finishing up these lovely quilts. Also, I so admire your new header photo, breath-taking!

  2. Lucky lucky you! What a wonderful present. I love the stars, & look at all the other goodies. Fun tree blocks & pieced sampler blocks. It's hard to say no to all the wonderful SAL's

  3. well how lucky are you ? your been having a few very fun mail days lately. LOVE that quilt by Liz in the magazine , wow!!!! will have to look for the magazine here in the USA
    enjoy your new projects!

  4. What a lovely surprise you have had. Boxes of treasures to explore. Have fun

  5. How Generous.... Karen is a treasure...

  6. What a wonderful friend! And treasures in those boxes! It appears you will have evening/weekend projects to keep you going for months! They are all lovely and just exactly what I would expect to see on your blog, she knows you well!

  7. Love your box of goodies...and Karen too!! How will love finishing that gorgeous star quilt up!

  8. What a wonderful and thoughtful surprise. The star blocks are fantastic. Karen is such a thoughtful person. You have lots of FUN ahead.

  9. What a wonderful package of UFOs. Those stars are going to make a gorgeous quilt. Love those Bonnie Hunter crabapples, too. I'm not sure I've ever seen that magazine here, but that quilt by Liz is just gorgeous. Lots of great projects (and ideas)!

  10. You hit the quilt lottery! Good for you! I know you will make use of each and every thing. As usual, your blocks are amazing.

  11. What a bonanza! Love those stars!! Just perfect for you, sweet, sweet person!!!


  12. I love your tonal version of Bonnie's Crabapples (It's So Vermonty)! That's going to be really pretty - can't wait to see the finished project (no pressure). What a lot of lovely stuff to come in the mail! I have a friend, Hanne, who periodically drops good-sized garbage bags of scraps and random hunks of fabric on my porch on her way to one Elder Hostel thing or another. I call her my Fabric Fairy Godmother and I never know what I'm going to get.

  13. Oh how fun! Christmas in May! Karen is such a generous person!!

  14. First off, I LOVE the rainbow photos and now your new blog!

    And OF COURSE I LOVE the stars you were *gifted*!! What a wonderful surprise to receive, all the goodies are fantabulous!!! said the word *Vermont*!........sigh......My most favorite place to visit in the fall with all the amazing colors to see, but it's been a few years since I've been able to visit there!

    Yes, your new top IS *Vermonty*!!!!

  15. How kind of Karen! I absolutely love those starts! They are beautiful!

  16. What a total SCORE from Karen! How fun is all that? Just like Christmas, indeed. Your "It's So Vermonty" is lovely. Looking forward to seeing this grow.

  17. LOL, so much for your resistance. I'm not sure if I should congratulate you or send condolences on your box of goodies. They are sure pretty stars though. You have nice Bloggy friends for sure!

  18. What a fun post! love how you are doing the crabapples!

  19. I think Santa just made an early delivery! Those stars are stunning.

  20. Just love those stars, Janet - I'm trying to work out exactly what they are as they are very effective! What a lovely gift to receive - and it's nice for you to be on the receiving end of gifts as I know you often surprise others with your sweetness. I have that QC mag too and thought it was a good one - have fun with it. Stitchalongs are so much fun - and very irrestible! (and no, they don't take much extra effort at are totally justified in starting it!)

  21. I LOVE stars...she is so kind and generous. I'm working on a house UFO of hers.

  22. Wow - Karen really gifted you didn't she girlfriend!?! What a wonderful box of goodies! I have a vision of you sitting on the floor with the box on your lap, digging through it and finding treasures like a kid at Christmas LOL!!! Those stars were not easy to make - imagine having them all made for you - fun!!! And I'm glad you didn't listen to any lame excuses for not joining in the QAL! It looks like it has your name written all over it :*)

  23. Whoa! Lotsa love coming your way! Great stars! And I love your autumn trees - good stuff going on at your house!

  24. You hit the quilting jackpot with those boxes! Lucky you! The star blocks are so beautiful. How could she let them go with so much finished?

  25. Wow, what a lovely surprise box of goodies from the star blocks.
    Have fun going through and finishing off the lovely projects.

  26. Wow, you really scored with this box. I'm putting the last rows together on my Sisters Choice. Have fun with yours, those stars are fabulous!

  27. Now that is some good mail! Love those star blocks - you are a lucky girl, and of course, she knew just who to send them to - someone who FINISHES things! Love all of your projects, and the magazine looks interesting too. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the rest of the pieces from your goody boxes.

  28. When you make a quilt using all those stars from Karen I think you should name it "Lucky Stars" because you are one lucky quilter to have received those beauties! I'm loving your Vermonty crabapples... so delicious looking!!!

  29. Lovely stars and trees and blocks! I can see your smile from here, I think:)

  30. wonderful...from your mail to your magazine to your projects! So pretty!

  31. What a nice surprise from Karen. It should keep you busy for a while.
    I too swore no more sew alongs but it didn't last long because Cheri always traps me with her cute ideas.

  32. My gosh Karen was sure generous! I'd be careful to say what goes into your mailbox! Anxious to see how you finish all the stars. (Got label and it's already sewn on.) Since your crabapples seem would a fall print look? or perhaps a homespun type plaid that pulls in the crabapples? You could use the brightest color as the cornerstones. You could use the brown you talk about for the border. Just a few thoughts. Happy Holiday Weekend, Sandi

  33. wonderful autumn blocks janet....i love autumn colors and autumn themed quilts...and a bonnie hunter pattern? the perfect marriage of both i'd say

  34. Yes, indeed you had an early Christmas present, how nice that was to recieve. I got about 1/4 of the crabapple quilt done, and it is now in my UFOs. (with many more lol) I can't seem to get things done, lol, maybe I could send them to Sandi? lol I didn't make a comment on the rainbow, that is the most beautiful rainbow that I have seen. Have a great week.

  35. Oh my stars is right... lucky you, you received the whole constellation! I love those blocks and the way the background colors are spilt... can't wait to see what you do with them/how you finish the quilt! The SAL by Cheri is adorable, I understand fully why you couldn't findan excuse not to join in. Your Vermonty trees are so absolutely wonderful I can almost smell the maple syrup. Have a wonderful week, Janet!

  36. WOW! What a score with the mail today! Such fun awaits!

  37. Hi, Janet. I haven't visited your blog for awhile and my goodness you have been busy. I love the stars and what a generous gift and great friend. I love all your little pineapples and about died laughing when you gave me partial credit for your little obsession. Well, just so you know I quickly found a pineapple template online and got busy printing out little 2 inch patterns. I guess turn about is fair play. I hope to make a few in the next months. You are such an inspiration. I enjoyed your photos of the quilt show, too. I think I have a couple of them in person at Paducah last year. Such gorgeous work always makes me a little jealous, but mostly inspired. Hope you are having more beautiful weather!

  38. I love your box from Karen. No surprise that she has more than she can handle. She is amazing! So happy for you to receive from her bounty! And who can resist a Cheri project?

  39. Karen is a very generous friend! I'm sure you'll make her proud to finish the lovely stars.


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