
Monday, May 13, 2013

Bloggers at HMQS, and a little blog anniversary

Last post I shared some of the quilts and now I will share some of the people that I was able to see at HMQS. When Gayle (The Middle Sister blog) and I met up a bit ago I forgot to get out my camera. Not so this time. We were able to have a brief rendezvous at HMQS and it was good to see her smiling face again.

Last year I had the opportunity to meet Sandra (Textile Time Travels blog). She was there again this year doing her quilt appraising. She had a full booth, but they exited quickly when I said the photo would be on my blog. Thank you, Sandra, for staying put. : )
Sandra also did a presentation on stage while I was there. Photos from a distance are tricky when it is too far for a flash to help, so here are some slightly blurred shots of a couple of her great "Birds and Blooms" quilts.
 If you'd like a closer, clearer look
at the quilt on the left, go to her blog here.

Robin (Solstice Studio blog) was another blogger I met for the first time at HMQS last year. Not long before my friend and I were going to leave this year, I had a chance encounter with Robin in an aisle of the vendor mall. So glad we made the connection again!

This next encounter was not with a blogger, but a pattern designer. Do you recall a long time ago when I posted this photo?

This is that great Eye Fooler quilt that so many of you asked about. Well, I met Krisanne, the pattern designer. She tells me they will be getting a website soon and she will notify me when that happens so that I can pass the word along. She has more patterns, too. I'm kicking myself for not getting a photo of the quilts in her booth. This was taken in front of the "Opportunity Quilt" where she was stationed when I finally found her.

My last encounter at HMQS of note, was not with a blogger, but with her quilts. I told you that a guild from Rupert, Idaho was featured. Well, Gail (Sewnsews blog) is a member of that guild. She quilted many of the quilts from her guild, but I will just show you her two "Bonnie" quilts on display, which she pieced and quilted.
Click on the photos to get a better view.
Okay, I am having a little giveaway in celebration of my approaching second anniversary of this blog. It has been quite a ride. I have met many wonderful people, both in person and online. I have tried things I would never have attempted without your encouragement, and I have been buoyed up by your comments, insight and prayers. To show my appreciation to all of you who have been a part of that, I will be having a drawing on Thursday, May 16, the day I began this blog two years ago. This is what you have a chance to win, by leaving a comment on this post--my skinny rail fence mini, a fat eighth bundle of neutrals, a bag of my herbal soap, and a little bumble bee magnetic pin keep.

I hope Mother's Day was pleasant for everyone, mother or not. I want to share my favorite present with you. The week before, when DD#1 was in town, we had all four of our children here. They are the best and it was a joy to have them all together again for a time.

Don't forget to leave a comment if you are interested in the giveaway--and make sure you leave your email if you are a "noreply-comment" blogger. (Judy H., your comment today came up with that setting).
Until Thursday--
Janet O.


  1. Love the pictures of your meet-up with fellow Quilters and Bloggers. Thanks fro a chance to win something fun again. I love the soap you make and getting Squishies in the mail is always GOOD!

  2. What a handsome family!!! And I am telling everyone right now, Janet's handmade soap is the most wonderful soap I have ever used!! Especially the clove soap!! Thanks for the chance to win some of your special goodies!!

  3. Happy Anniversary! My first year anniversary is coming up on the 19th! May is a great month isn't it? So wonderful that you had the opportunity to see all of your children this past week. Best gift a mother can have when they're all grown and on their own.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of the quilts at the show. What a feast of eye candy! I have been enjoying your blog for about 6 months or so and when looking at your older blogs I see that we have the same quilting machine. I was doing so-so at it until I asked my hubby to raise the legs a bit. WOW, what a difference. I am newly inspired. Now maybe I can do as nice work as you do.

  5. Happy Anniversary. I've enjoyed following along on all your quilting projects. Fun to see a photo of you and Gayle. It's a blessing when you can get your grown up kids all together. Thanks for sharing your quilting adventure with so many of us.

  6. Happy anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. Love your website, I check it daily. Would love to win a give away.

  8. Thanks for sharing the quilt show with those of us who couldn't see it in person, as wellas the opportunity to win that darling rail fence quilt. What a treat it must have beento have your kids all together.

  9. Yes, I guess that you and I are so lucky to have our children with us for mother's day compared to other "poor" mothers and we are so lucky that you can show us where have you been and also that you are such a generous person. Thanks for the opportunity to read you and to have a chance to win something that you made. Ruth K.

  10. Congratulations on you second blogaversary! Isn't it great how blogging brings us in contact with fellow quilters all over the globe. You are offering a most generous prize - I would love to win it!

  11. Congratulations on you second blogaversary!
    Lovely to meet your family...and to see your photo, and who I'm writing my comments too.
    I've enjoyed reading your posts, and hope to do so for many many more!
    Julia ♥

  12. I am so glad you got to meet some bloggers face to face!! Congratulations on your anniversary, your quilt is wonderful!

  13. Congrats on your 2 years of blogging, love your blog and inspiration shared. XXX

  14. I believe that meeting blogging friends in real life is one of the most fun experiences, after all... we already "know" them through their blog! I have always been thrilled to do so and I can tell that you feel the same way. Congrats on your blogging anniversary, here's to many more years! Such a happy photo of your children all together! Thanks, too, for sharing the quilt show with us through your eyes and camera lens! Wow!!

  15. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your photos. Congrats on two years of blogging and here's to many more. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  16. how lucky for you to have all your children together at once. I treasure those times now.
    what a great quilt show this was , the quilts and getting to meet other quilters what fun.
    I would love to win your little quilt! its adorable and such a happy looking quilt!
    a most generous giveaway...thanks!

  17. Lovely giveaway! Congratulations on 2 years of blogging! I always love reading your blog. Lovely family, too!

  18. Now I know the trick to getting a nice picture of a quilt at a show. Just say it is going to be published on a blog and the people will run.

    A very nice give-away! I can sure use the neutrals in my stash.

  19. Congratulations on your two year blogiversary! And thanks for the sweet giveaway! :0)

  20. You sure did do a lot in that one day at the show! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. Great photo of your beautiful children. How nice that you could all be together. Congrats on the 2nd anniversary of your blog. You are so dedicated with posting and commenting are a special part of this blogging community.

  21. How fun to have the chance to meet some blog buddies in person! It looks like you had a great time at the HMQS show. The pictures in the last post were fabulous.
    Congrats on your anniversary. Thanks for sharing with us.

  22. It's always such fun to meet up with people you know in the quilting world! Looks like a great time! Congrats on your first year of blogging! Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win. What a cute bundle of goodies!

  23. Thankyou for sharing all the fabulous quilts and friends you met with all of us. It is a pleasure to follow along on your blog, Janet. Your quilts are an amazing source of inspiration.

  24. Congrats on your blogiversary! Glad that you got to meet up with some of your blogging friends - there's just nothing better than having quilting buddies. Great picture of your kids - I'm sure having them all together was the best Mother's Day gift of all!

  25. Isn't it fun to meet up with bloggy friends?!? I always marvel when I meet people I would never have met if it weren't for the blogiverse! And congratulations on your blogiversary!!! Quite a milestone :*) I'm so glad to have met you and made a sweet new friend!

  26. such a handsome family you have janet! i would so love to have us 4 children all together again just one more is 86 and one bro lives in florida, so we will see. and more luscious soap! oohhh the lucky person who wins this!

  27. Congratulations on your anniversary! How nice to have all the kids together -- that happens about once a year(maybe twice) for us, and while it is hectic, it is also wonderful! Please don't enter me in your drawing -- I have been the recipient of your generosity already -- let someone else have that opportunity!

  28. Loved your pictures, quilts and your wonderful family. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and we are hoping for many more! Thanks for a chance to win, too.

  29. Oh My!! Quilts, bloggers, a giveaway and photos of your beautiful wonderful children! This a great warm and fuzzy post Janet!!!

    I really loved seeing all the fantastic quilts!!

  30. I'm in please! I'm a true admirer of your work and love your soap! I love that blogging brought us friendship. Hugs!

  31. Of course, I'm interested in your giveaway!
    Blogging certainly makes the quilting world a bit more intimate, doesn't it? How nice you were to meet up with so many fellow quilter/bloggers.
    Love the photo of your kids.

  32. What a lovely Mother's Day for you...this is a very generous giveaway, thank you for the opporunity!

  33. How fun to meet so many other bloggers, it just adds to the memories of going to a show. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance.

  34. What a lovely giveaway in honor of your 2nd anniversary. Stay Calm and Blog On!

  35. What a wonderful picture of your kids, all grown up! I'm still tapping my foot waiting for the first two to move out so I can miss them and be all happy when they come back for a visit lol

  36. Oh, Janet...I'm trying again to win some of your homemade soap (and the other goodies, of course!). Happy Blog anniversary to you. I still can't believe it's only been 2 years. :)

  37. Congratulations!
    Thank you for a great giveaway!

  38. Thanks for sharing all the pictures and for the wonderful giveaway. I would be so happy if I were to win. Nice looking family you have, and it is always a treat to see your kids all together and getting along.

  39. I LOVE your skinny rails quilt and the rest of the prize package looks amazing. Just go ahead and send it to me!

  40. Congratulations on two years of blogging. What a wonderful difference it has made in your life. Your quilt is really neat. I would be thrilled to win your giveaway - thanks for the opportunity.

  41. How nice to spend time with your lovely children. Congratulations on two fabulous years of blogging and interesting and inspiring posts :-) I can tell you really enjoyed the HMQS - a great opportunity to meet so many people and see so many things!

  42. You have a lovely family, their great smiles tells everyone how happy they are to be together. I truly enjoy your blog, I am glad Sandi told me about it. You post so many interesting articles.

  43. Congratulations on your bloggiversary, Janet! It has been a fun two years, watching your quilting chronicles, and hearing your family stories. Keep it coming!

  44. Congratulations on th upcoming anniversary! I look forward to more inspiring blog entries in the future.

  45. Hi Janet - It was fun to meet up with you for a few a few moments while we were there - I didn't realize that you also met with so many other gals you knew - you've gotten to be a big name in the blogging world since you started two years ago! Great picture of your kids - so nice they could spend time together!

  46. Congratulations on your anniversary. Look forward to more inspiring blog posts.

  47. Isn't it fun to meet folks in real life that you know from blogs! I would love to see one of Sandra's presentations...someday!! Happy anniversary!

  48. I enjoyed your picture show of people and quilts... thank you! You have a nice looking group of kids there...
    Congrats on your upcoming 2 year blog anniversary... it's been great getting to know you... looking forward to more inspirational posts from you!

  49. Congratulations, Janet on your anniversary. Ive enjoyed your delightful and inspirational posts, too!

    Lovely picture of your family.


  50. Congratulations on 2 years. I always like to tell bloggers how much I appreciate what they do. thank you

  51. Of course I want a chance to win!!!! Who wouldn't love one of your little quilts (okay, okay, so I already have a couple, but one more would be awesome!!), some of your delightful soap (my last bar just ran out!!!) and neutrals (I love them and just don't have enough of them!!!) What a fabulous time you had at HMQS!!! Thanks for sharing! I loved the photos of the antique quilts1 - oooo la, la!!!! So fun to meet up with fellow bloggers and old friends!!
    Congrats on your two year anniversary!!!! You are an inspiration to many!!
    Blessings sweet friend!!

  52. Congrats on your 2nd anniversary. I enjoy reading your blog.

  53. You had lots of fun Janet. It's so nice to be surrounded by family. Congratulations on your anniversary.

  54. JANET... I am glad you got to attend the HQMS. What fun it is to meet up in person. Lovely family.

  55. Congratulations on two years-what fun to follow along w/you. Loved the picture of all your kid's together, what a nice Mother's Day. Thanks for the chance to win-

  56. Janet, what a very nice post. You share such wonderful thoughts about your blog journey. Its been warm and fulfilling to share with you as we've come to do. It would be great to meet you someday. Your family looks so happy. I can see a lot of you in their smiling faces. Sounds like you make great soap! Happy Anniversary Quilting/Blogging Sister, Sandi
    p.s. your Anniversary Gift is awesome!

  57. Janet,
    What a wonderful give away. But mostly I love your blog and check it often. I love the pictures from the HMQS. Such beautiful work. Thanks for sharing.

  58. Congratulations on reaching your second anniversary! You have a great blog. Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway.

  59. I would love to be in your drawing, I just found your blog and am enjoying it. Happy second anniversary!

  60. okay, mom...i held out as long as i could but i can do so no longer! i fell in love with that rail fence mini from the moment i laid eyes on it, i have to take a chance at winning it!

    even though i am usually just a lurker i read your blog faithfully and look forward to the eye-candy that i know will always be there. you are an inspiration to many. congrats on the two years!

    i miss the fun little sewing sessions we were able to have while i was there and i'm already looking forward to hopefully doing it again soon! love you!

  61. Great Mother's Day gift to have all of your beautiful children together. Thanks for taking us along on your HMQS adventure. I'm so happy that I found your blog. I still remember how excited I was when you posted something from the LQS and I realized you were from my neck of the woods. You always give me something to aspire for and truly inspire me. Thank you for making the decision to share your experiences of a love we have in common. Congratulations on your sencond anniversary!

  62. Happy Blogiversary! And all your children came to celebrate the occasion with you...awesome!
    I love to come visit and look forward to many more happy quilting years chatting across the blogisphere!

  63. Happy Blogiversary Janet, almost missed this post due to family obligations, would love to win! Always look forward to seeing what our up too!

  64. Janet, I love the pictures of your 4 kids! What a special time!!! Thanks for sharing!


I love to have your comments and feedback.