
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

So much to sew!

Earlier this year I traded some of my Kansas Troubles scraps for some of Sandi's batik scraps. Today I was determined to finish sewing my Orca Bay together and get it off my design wall, but I needed some leader/enders to use during the process. So I pulled out these luscious colors--most of the HSTs were already sewn by Sandi and arrived at my home that way. I find it interesting that though my fabric tastes lean heavily in the direction of warm "dark and dirty" repros and scraps, I still can't resist the cool, glowing beauty of batiks.
I happened to have a FQ of the black that Sandi had used in the HSTs, so I used that to help make the 4-patch blocks and make the border. Haven't sewn the borders on yet, but it was fun to watch this little piece come together while sewing this big piece together...
I need to decide how I am going to border my Orca Bay (aka Sunset Over The Men's Dept.), but that will wait until next year. I just wanted it off the design wall in one piece before people start finishing Easy Street.
I was eight blocks behind on the Barrister's Sow-Along. I got two of them sewn and four others cut and ready on design boards, waiting to be sewn. Wednesday Randy should be posting more, so I will be falling farther behind, but at least this is the last month I can lose ground, so it won't get too much worse.

And the mail box has kept on giving. This little tree sits in my sewing room on top of the cabinet for my Mom's 60-year-old Bernina. Beneath the tree I have placed several of the pincushions I made recently. Most of them will be gifts anyway, and they look like little packages sitting there. Next to the little stitched piece my sister made years ago sits a beautiful pincushion that arrived this week from Mary of Quilt Hollow. You can also see the charm pack for Metropolitan Fair that I hadn't found locally. DD#1 had it sent to me. Finally, I forgot to get a photo, but you've all seen the latest edition of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks. Denise was blessed to win multiple copies and she shared the wealth. So fun to be blessed by the thoughtfulness (and talents) of others. Thanks to all!!
The little scrappy pineapple pincushion pictured above is my latest attempt at that thing I don't like to do (foundation paper piecing). I just love the results it gives. I haven't sewn this one closed yet and you can see the colorful pins along the bottom edge doing temporary duty. The pineapple block (pre-border) finishes about 2 inches. The problem with this one is that I used too high a quality of paper as the foundation. It loosened the stitches when I tried to remove it. Maybe if you enlarge the photo you can see the stitches showing along the seams. Made me sad. : (  So I pulled out some dollar store paper and printed a few more foundations. I will be trying again soon.

Still plenty of holiday preparations going on. I have pieced the backs for my grandson's gift quilts. Now I need to get them basted and quilted! Life is never boring, that's for sure!
Hope you are finding time to relax and stitch.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your Orca Bay is just striking, and I love your little batik quilt, too. I am as far on my Orca Bay as you are. I just wanted it in one piece before Easy Street went much farther. The pincushions look festive under your tree.

  2. The sunset quilt looks great Mom! That will be nice to get to take it down off the wall :)
    The new Barrister blocks are fun and the little pineapple turned out darling...too bad about the paper :(
    You sure have been busy!

  3. the pincushions look cute under the tree.
    love how your quilt came out, the batik little quilt is great, great use of those scraps!
    ah yes I am trying to relax this month, enjoy the season and lots of time in the sewing room, looks like you too!

  4. I am over the moon...your pineapple pin cushion is out of this world.

  5. Your Orca Bay is striking and the batiks combined for one stunning quilt, too! Well done, Janet!! I received the fabulous bounty from you and the pincushion you made is just incredible... every little detail: the perfect piecing, the shape, the weight... I love it! Thanks too, so much, for the pattern, template, fabrics and the fragrant and fabulous soap. I am deeply grateful for you and your friendship! SEW glad I found you in this great, big, bloggersphere. There's SNOW out your window, it's beautiful!

  6. Love the design for your batik quilt!
    Congrats on finishing the Orca and what a great name!
    Moving on to Easy Street?!?

  7. Okay, loved your post as usual! But, that sweet little pineapple pincushion is too cute!

  8. Oh, Janet! Such productivity, such gorgeousness! (Do you sleep?)

  9. What wonderful finishes!! Always nice to get one off the wall!!! Your little pincushions are adorable! I admire you for paper piecing! Great job!! Not much time for stitching for me that past week or so, but hope to get back to it this afternoon!! Oh, I did catch up on my SALs and will post later about those!!
    Denise IS a sweetie!!

    Blessings sweet friend!!

  10. You have been busy, as usual. Love your little tree and all of your pin cushions under it.

  11. Orca Bay looks stunning. Cute little pineapple pincushion, I love the colors you used. Who cares about seeing stitches, it's the fabric that shines.

  12. You are so productive! Gracious, I need to catch my breath after catching up with your posts. LOL! You know I adore your Orca Bay (and I like your name for your unique take on it *so* much)!!! :)

  13. I am happy to read this post in Colorado. Having way too much fun with the kids. Sounds like you will be joining the fun with Easy Street. I did stitch a few fg's last night.

  14. I'm not normally that big a fan of batiks, but I sure do love that batik quilt you put together. It'll be interesting to see what you choose for borders for your Orca Bay. What a shame on the pineapple pin cushion ... hoping you have better luck with the dollar store paper.

  15. Wow! The batik quilt is fantastic! That background is amazing!!
    Lovely quilty gifts.

  16. My goodness such lovely things to look at on your blog today Janet!!! Your small batik quilt has big impact! I just love it!!! Of course you know I love batiks, so that's a no-brainer right? LOL!!! But as I've said before, your Orca Bay is also a stunner! It gets my vote for most original Orca Bay. You must have been good this year to get so many cute little "gifts" under your tree :*D I just LOVE your little pineapple pincushion - I may have to try to make one to commemorate my mini Rainbow Pineapples this year :*)

  17. I like batiks too, though I don't often work with them! Your little quilt is jazzy. Yay for Orca Bay! Love its new name :) Lots of blocks are always happening around your sewing room. Darling pincushions!

  18. oohh lots of eye candy today, not the least of which is your gorgeous new header photo! that's the way i like pictures....LOL...btw, it's 50 degrees here today but cooling off a bit now

  19. I do like your little "side project" batik quilt. You're lucky you had the black FQ. I think you are supposed to change the stitch length with paper piecing - maybe that would also help stop the stitch pulling.

  20. Your Orca Bay is just stunning, and I'm not a big fan of Batiks, but love your little batik quilt, too.
    Lovely post so much lovely things to see.
    Julia ♥

  21. Wow! Both your quilt tops have great movement. Love the "gifts" under the tree. I don't have a clear surface in my sewing room to put a display like this. Very pretty. I do need to clean up soon. My niece is coming over on the 18th and I'm going to get her started on a t-shirt quilt. Love it when they want to learn!

  22. great batik quilt and wow - what a lot of piecing on your bigger project.
    Your tree is so sweet and your pin cushions are fabulous!

  23. Love the winter look! You always have fun new surprises to share. Perfect little tree for your sewing room. Hope you are finding time to relax!!

  24. Love your alternate name for the Orca Bay quilt! Hee Hee! I love how the colors play. Your little pineapple PP pincushion is really cute. Too bad the stitching is loose. I can relate to your dislike of PPing. I do it occasionally, and it does come out nice usually, but still not too fond of it.

  25. Girlie you've been busy! Thanks for the inspiration from all of your beautiful projects! Hugs...

  26. Lovely projects - and progress, and such variety.
    I think the 'littles' under the tree are just precious!!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  27. Such a festive little tree and the array of pincushion "packages" are all so sweet! I like the moody blues of your batik project and the Orca Bay is coming out just fine. I noticed that your header has changed to a snowy background, whee!!!

  28. I hope your Grandson's quilts are nearing completion, Janet. Orca Bay is looking so great, and I cant live without leaders and enders either!! Love your little Christmas display and all the tales about the pieces under the tree. Merry Christmas!!

  29. I'm sure your quilts will be finished quickly. The hard part is done, and once you get to the quilting--zoom, zoom, zoom!
    Did I ever tell you that because of your gorgeous Randy blocks and your yummy Orca Bay fabrics, I now have BIG bags of men's shirts all over the house. (hiding here and there) Some day I'll dig in and start having fun the way you have. Your plaid combinations are wonderful!!!! and I just have to try that some day.

  30. Janet, I'm so surprised that you had some of the fabric in the HSTs that I sent. Your scrappy quilt looks great! I had to laugh at the name you gave your Orca Bay. You've got a lot of great projects going on. Sandi

  31. I have read so many of your comments on my daughters blog page. I am Sandi's mom and I live in Maryland. She was so delighted that you mentioned her name in your blog. She is one quilting gal. She just pops them out so fast, have a hard time keeping track of which is which. You quilt is lovely. God Bless for a beautiful Christmas.


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