
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pineapples and Poor Lil' Punky ...

... came together to make this. My third and FINAL Halloween mini--at least this year. : )
I think I liked it better the way I imagined it would look than how it actually "materialized", but I'm not unhappy with it. If you enlarge the photo you will see that the little pumpkin centered in the lower right pineapple block is upside down. I don't know how that happened because I paid careful attention to that as I laid out the nine blocks to sew together. But I do know that it is staying that way!

Making the pineapple blocks and dealing with this reminded me why I don't do more paper piecing.

When I made these four Lil' Punkys I did the first one using the foundation paper piecing method as the directions said. I made the next three and the one in the mini above using perforated paper piecing (see tutorial tab at the top).

This is the only mess left from making all four of them. That is also why you may notice that in the photo above, one stem points to the right and the other three point left. As I did my perforated paper base, I didn't realize I was reversing the pattern.

Thanks, Julie, for the fun "Poor Lil' Punky" pattern. I tried to resist it, but it didn't work. (If you missed this pattern, the info and links are in this post.)

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your little quilt is adorable! I love the corner pineapple blocks and your green and black fabrics are perfect! I checked out your tutorial on paper piecing with freezer paper and it is quite interesting. I had never seen that method before. PP is not my favorite - in fact, I avoid it like the plague, but I will keep this in mind.

  2. how cute!! I love it. The pineapples in the corners adds a lot of interest and I like the green and black.

  3. Love the colors in the little quilt and punky in the middle is so cute. In fact all the punkies are adorable. You are now ready for the season!

  4. I love Pineapple Punky! Glad you have had fun with him.

  5. I've doubled back and checked out all your little Halloween quilts. Each and every one is unique and impressive, but this one is my personal favorite. You put a lot of time and thought into the planning and precision work. It's just lovely.
    Your Lil' Punkies have set the mood for this week. You're ready!

  6. good jpb. the punkin quilt looks like you are looking through a tunnel. Optical illusion with the green an black

  7. Oh, I'm really liking this little mini! It's sweet and scary at the same time! lol

    And I just went back and read your post on the perforated paper piecing's brilliant! Especially since that's the part I hate about doing it....all those paper scraps to deal with. My house must be especially static-y since every single piece wants to stick to me, the chair, my arms and legs, and never just go in the trash basket! Sheesh! This will make things so much easier....and cleaner! I'm going to give it a try! Thanks a bunch!

  8. Oops....I meant to add that your tutorial on it was very good! And I like lots of pictures, too! :o)

  9. Adorable, upside down, or right side up!!!

  10. Wow Janet - I do believe you're turning into a pattern designer! Your quilt is quite spectacular and I love everything about it - from the colors to the fabrics to the blocks - congratulations on a wonderful project!

  11. Punky is adorable! And surrounded by pineapples - amazing :*) I really love the greens you chose to go with the oranges - perfect!

    I love to paper-piece but I don't like dealing with tearing out all the paper either.

  12. So cute! I'd leave the little pumpkin upside down, too. I need to remember this perforated paper piecing method. The other way is no fun when it is time to pull off all that paper. Happy Halloween!

  13. Love them all! Such cute little pumpkins too. I love paper piecing but it can be messy at times. I usually sit down and watch tv while I peel the papers off, I actually enjoy that part.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  14. This is my favorite halloween quilt from blogland this season! I love the green fabrics with the black and orange pineapples, and cute Punky! Well done!

  15. So cute - Lil Punky is wonderful - and so is your setting! Enjoy the week.

  16. Love your third mini--it is totally charming. And your little jacks too. I'm not a fan of paper piecing other than the accuracy it provides. The ripping of paper--definitely not! Good for you that your alternate plan was efficient and fast!

  17. Cute Cute Cute! Taking the paper off is not by fav part but there are some pretty neat designs...

  18. Resistance is futile where mini quilts are concerned!

  19. Really, your last one!!! I'll believe it when I really see it!! LOL!! So very, very, very cute!!! The pineapple blocks are fun!!! I AM NOT a paper piecer, so am impressed with people that do - of course I'm always impressed with your work!! Something for me to aspire to!!!

    Have a great day!

  20. You are really so cute -- I love your passion for 'minis'!! Your latest is darling! Don't you hate it when a project doesn't measure up to what you'd had in your mind it would be? That happens to me quite frequently. I'm not sure what that speaks to . . . my 'vision' is better than my ability?! Best not to think too much about it!! Your Lil' Punkys are quite darling, too!! Fun, fun stuff!! Have a GREAT day!! :)

  21. I was going to ask if you paper pieced the pineapple blocks but you answered my question right in your post. That's the only way I can get a pineapple block to turn out even and square. I have tried another method using a ruler with no luck. You were on a roll making all your Halloween projects.


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