
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why do I do this?

Do you recall the problem I had when Temecula Quilt Co. posted their Blessings Baskets SAL? I couldn't stop and ended up making 4 of those (you can see them all HERE).
So I wasn't going to do that with their Summer Stars SAL, and I didn't. I only made three sets, (but there is a fourth one playing with my mind). This was the first. In my last post I was struggling with the dark sashing overpowering it and asked for input. I tried the options and advice and this is how it finished. The narrow band of blue at the top is the tryout for the binding.
Before they posted the setting I decided to make the "Fall"-ing Stars mini using their star block patterns and I put it in the setting of their Blessings Baskets (see it HERE, along with info on how you could win it by donating to Dravet Syndrome research). Both SALs use 4 1/2" blocks, so they are interchangeable. I thought that was handy.
I liked it well enough that I decided to make another one as a gift, but using only five of the stars. I tried narrower sashing on this one, and I liked it, so I used the narrower sashing on the first one (I assembled it last of the three).
Here we have all three.
Maybe I should just stop following the Temecula blog. Their little quilts are like Lay's Potato Chips--I can't do just one. You may recall a few posts ago I showed a mini rail fence quilt I made using a quilt on their blog as inspiration. Then I made a second one with the leftover rail blocks. And a third mini materialized from the trimmings. I had to take the border off of the third one to finish the sashing on the star quilt at the top of the post, so I finally bordered this little piece with something else and yesterday I quilted it and finished the binding today. This is a 7 1/2" square. The little squares are 1/2" finished. Would you say this is a Super-Sized mug rug or a very tiny quilt? I can't decide.
 You can see the quilting a little better on the back. Nothing fancy.
Recently my very kind blog friend, Teresa, loaned me her Marti Michell templates to finish cutting my "Ramblin' Rose Meets Jamestown" (aka Random Roses in Jamestown) BOM blocks. So they are now all cut (much more easily than without the templates) and I finally got last month's block stitched up. It is top, left. The blocks along the bottom are on design boards, waiting their turn to be stitched. The pattern calls for log cabins as setting blocks. I think I may use chain blocks instead.
Finally, in keeping with my lack of self-restraint, I'm showing what I did after Cheri shared some little quilts on Labor Day.  These finish at 8 1/2" by 10 1/2". I needed some quick leader/enders while I made the star quilts and the BOM. My CW scrap basket was handy, so this was a no-brainer. But why couldn't I just make one?
Lately I have really been going overboard on the minis. I need to get serious about finishing a big quilt for a change. But first I need to quilt some of these minis that are soon to be gifts. I'd better go warm up  Gidget. 

Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. Oh Janet - I think there is a word for people like you - incorrigible!! I love that you have made plenty of stars and had fun with them - I also love the setting you used and wonder if I could be a copy cat and do that with mine? :-) All your other minis are way cool too. Happy quilting!!

  2. You are really good at sewing the small things, Janet--your blocks always look perfectly pieced. There must be satisfaction for you in that skill, and joy in playing with all the fabrics. Go ahead, enjoy it!

  3. Your star pieces are lovely and I understand making more than one. Sometimes we need to make some small pieces and finish them to get our mojo back for the big ones.

  4. We all have our vices ;) Luckily yours look fabulous!!

  5. You are having soooooooooooo much fun! And I say as long as you're having fun keep doing what you're doing! They are awesome!

  6. Oh restraint needed!! Love all that you do...go for it!

  7. To paraphrase an old saying.... sewing/quilting, like love, should be entered into with gay abandon!

    If you're having fun, don't worry about mulitple minis... life is to be enjoyed...

  8. I love this blog post! I am so excited about your love for minis and that your creativity keeps pushing you to try "just one more"! Love the tiny quilt...which is too beautiful to put a mug on!

  9. Janet, you inspire me. Your piecing is always beautiful and so is your quilting. The nice thing about quilting is that we have sooooo many choices! I sometimes take a break from a big project and complete a few small things, just to help with my sense of getting something finished. Quilted pillows, mini-quilts, placemats .... Love, love your work, as always.

  10. Your mugrug is adorable, and it is perfect size for mug AND muffin!!

  11. Love, love, love love!!! Perfect that you have many STARS!!!! Your little minis with the four patches - ooo, la,la!! I needed a pattern for a lap quilt that I'm planning and you gave it to me!!! Love all that you do!! Sometimes finishing up small projects get me fueled for that big one calling!!!


  12. Large quilt, or small quilt....these look wonderful. I would say you are compelled and addicted to this SAL. With wonderful results. All three are great.

  13. Oh my, must know how much I love your projects...and like Debbie stated: Large quilt or small quilt all are wonderful!!

    Great color selections too!

    :) Carolyn

  14. Your projects never disappoint. You are right about Temecula's blog, I need to stop following it. Just too much temptation.

  15. You are so funny!! A mini maniac! lol

  16. Janet, I love it! Minis RULE!! You know my affinity for small pieces, so I love that you do stuff like this -- it *inspires* me!! I love the look of the third mini from the rail fence quilt. I saw a very tiny quilt. Maybe Barbie style?! Fun!!! :)

  17. Okay Janet, I think you are OCD! LOL! I love all of your stars! Also, your Ramblin' Rose Meets Jamestown is going to be beautiful. Loving those fabrics that you used.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  18. All very nice! WOW you have been busy. The TQC stars are fabulous - great settings. So much creativity.

  19. Everything is gorgeous Mom!
    I especially love the two minis at the end :)

  20. I have no idea *why* you do it but they are all beautiful, and lets face it - once you've made one we know eactly how to make 2 or 3 more! I've added Cheri's Labor Day mini quilts to my bucket list. Thanks! (she says, tongue in cheek)

  21. Wow! You have been busy. It's great that you can just give in and enjoy your hobby/life. The making of little quilts is contagious. . . I was able to bind my Roll Roll Cotton Boll yesterday. So now that I've finished a big quilt I can do another small one.

  22. Wowsers--you have some great looking quilts and them. You are quite an accomplished piecer...they look terrific.

  23. Phrases that come to mind...glutton for punishment, but mostly...over-achiever!

  24. Your stars turned out beautifully. I love the colors you chose. And your Jamestown work is stunning. Can't wait to see it finished. Great job.

  25. I love all of those little quilts, and even though I don't need to start anything new...think I'm going to dig into my scraps and make just one today. Yours are truly an inspiration. Not sure I could pick a favorite, but I love the one with all of those tiny squares.

  26. You are, indeed, an inspiration... these are so cute and they're perfect for table tops and to use as small wallhangings in those perfect little places that need just the right touch! Well done, Janet!!

  27. Janet, I LOVE your Temecula quilts! And I find your productivity so impressive! I barely get ONE done!! Keep up the good work! Sounds like your quilting machine was a great investment!!

  28. Too funny! You really exemplify "one thing leads to another". Always enjoy seeing what you are up to. So pretty. I love the idea of mini's but always have trouble displaying them. Lap size to twin size is usually what I end up making.

  29. I really like the on point setting with triple borders. May have to adapt that myself.

    I started my small flurry quilt yesterday at our quid sew day. Slow going because I talk too much.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. I missed this posting while I was away on my Road trip. How fun for the people who get these cute mini's or for you to hang them on a wall to enjoy! Yes, Gidget needs a workout. It's getting cold season and you might need a bigger quilt to keep you warm. LOL on not following Temecula Quilts, oh you with Start-itus!

  32. You are right about minis...they can usually go together real fast which makes you want to start another and then another. Lori's patterns are that way for me. I like all of what you have going on. Sandi

  33. Janet - I like your setting for the star quilt LOTS better than the one suggested by Temecula - good job! Your other little minis are so adorable! I think you'll soon have plenty to have a whole gallery wall of them - is that your plan? I'm getting there too!

  34. Me thinks you enjoyed making those star blocks and turning them into little quilts. Such a variety.

  35. What size did you cut your sashing? I LOVE your setting--was so disappointed when I saw the Temecula setting and wondered what I'd do with mine. VOILA! Problem solved (via YOU!). Thanks so much.

  36. Well, it sounds very rewarding! Love your collection of little quilts!

  37. One could simply say you have been busy - but that does not begin to describe everything you have done! Wonderful work and do you ever sleep??? I get bogged down with large projects myself - the little quilts give such a sense of satisfaction and open up possibilities for color experimenting.


I love to have your comments and feedback.