
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Caught up--well, I was for a few hours!

It felt good to go to bed last night all caught up on my Barrister's Blocks, even though I knew as of today I would no longer be caught up. This is what I have "Sow" far in what I am calling "Barrister's Day Off".
I'm excited to be able to include some of the shirts that I picked up at the thrift store yesterday in future blocks. Oh, such wonderful colors!

My second set of blocks, made in Christmas fabrics, does not include every block. I started this set on the second group of blocks Randy posted and rather than go back I just decided to go from where we were. I also omitted making the block with the little flying geese from the recent set. I am not stressing over the Christmas set--just making what I want and being happy to have it when it is finished.

And sure enough, this morning there were four new patterns waiting for us on Randy's blog.

Something very exciting came in the mail Monday! A flying scarecrow arrived all the way from Nova Scotia! I know there were many of you who saw that I won Kaaren's giveaway--I couldn't believe it! I was the first to comment in over 100 entries and RNG chose #1!! He is so cute. Just look at him.

I told Kaaren I couldn't bear to put him away with the fall decor yet--we needed bonding time. So he will sit here, where he will be each fall, until I bring out the patriotic decor in June. If you know of Kaaren you know she does exceptional work. The detail on this is meticulous. I am honored to have him! "Thank you" seems inadequate, Kaaren!

I did get the baby quilt I was quilting finished in time for the shower--I bound it on the machine. I really enjoyed quilting this. Though it was nothing fancy, it turned out well enough, I thought. The link for this quick quilt is in my last post, if you need something in a hurry, it works up fast, but looks good.
I want to share something I did that may interest some of you FMQers. I had been told of Patsy Thompson's DVDs and free pattern downloads by more than one quilter. I purchased a couple of her DVDs and downloaded all of her free patterns. I slipped all of the pages into plastic sleeves and it filled a large looseleaf binder. It was great when I just wanted to flip through designs, but when actually quilting, it was very cumbersome and I found it hard to place it anywhere to refer to that it wasn't just in the way. My "Anne Bright" and "Leah Day" design books are spiral bound and so handy. Well, I took some of the images from Patsy's website and printed them out on coverstock, which I then had laminated (along with a blank page of coverstock for the back). I took all of the pages out of their sleeves and slipped them between the laminated covers and had them spiral bound. I am very pleased with the resulting book and have already used it.

I did the same thing with the small booklet of free designs you can print from Melody Johnson.

I did get the basket top assembled with the tiny baskets in the corners. I like it. Amazing what you can do with the leftover triangles and scraps from someone else's quilt!

I don't know how I want to quilt this, so it will have to wait until I get inspiration. Maybe that will come next month when I attend the Home Machine Quilting Show in Salt Lake City. I am so excited. I have never done anything like this before and if it weren't for the help of DH and two of his cousins, who are good friends to me, it wouldn't be happening now. I am registered for classes from Karen McTavish, Sally Terry and Pam Clarke. Can't wait!!
You still have a couple of days to get in on Doniene's Fabulous Fifteenth Fabric Freebie! She has some fresh looking red and yellow prints this time around. Good luck!
I actually get to stay home and sew this rainy Wednesday and I am excited to dig into my CW prints and get going on some gifts that are overdue, and one that soon will be. : )
Happy stitching,
Janet O.


  1. Once again I'm exhausted reading about all your completed projects. And your sow-a-long blocks look amazing! WOW!! I am loving the plaids!
    I still think that basket quilt is one of my favorites. I loe putting small blocks in the corners...makes it so much more interesting.

  2. Fabulous study in plaids.
    Love those sweet little basket corners.
    I think you will have a great time with your classes - enjoy!
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Love your plaids, this is going to be a great quilt. You will enjoy your classes with Karen and Pam. Take a big sketch book, several crayons in different colors to mark designs. With the colors you can mark what you quilt 1st, 2nd, etc in the design.

  4. Love both sets of sow along blocks. The flying scare crow looks good on top of your quilt rack, you are one lucky Lady.

  5. Love your former-shirts blocks and think your holiday blocks are super! One day... when I finish all my UFOs... I'm gonna make me a Christmas quilt, I am!


  6. I love all of the plaids in the Barrister's Blocks. Great Christmas quilt, too.

  7. The one time I looked at plaid shirts at a big thrift store, I couldn't find all cotton shirts. Just blends. You obviously have better luck than I did.

  8. I'm always proud of myself for keeping up with Randy's blocks until I see all of your different sets, plus everything else you have finished!

  9. They all look so Good! I'm glad you get to go and take the classes you wanted to take at HMQS. That means I won't see you in Pocatello...:(

  10. The one nice thing about following along with a block- a - thon, well, that is if you keep up, is that you've made a quilt with the sewing spaced out. And tah dah, there it is! Your shirting plaids are just so fun. I've enjoyed watching it grow.

  11. Looooove the plaids, absolutely!
    And those tiny stars in the corners of the other one are just precious!
    You sure have been busy! Lovely work!

  12. Okay, I agree with Randy - I'm tired, inspired, overwhelmed, pleased, intimidated and down right amazed at all your projects!!!

    The scarecrow is perfect!! Love the crow on his back!! Perfect for fall decor - but I'd leave him out for awhile too!!!

    I'm going to try and catch up on Randy's blocks this evening - but gotta help Mike, check goats, milk the cow, feed bottle goats and SLEEP!!!!! So we'll see......


  13. Everything you get done just puts the rest of us to shame. I get worn out, imaging how quickly you move from one project to the next.
    Those plaid blocks just zing with excitement and movement. That's going to be a great quilt.
    Super idea about creating your own book with the FMQ downloads. Her site is on my list to visit soon--waiting for PC to get fixed, so I can print stuff. No ability to print makes me buggy!

  14. Wow - lots of interesting snippets to mull over. What a great idea with your quilting designs. I love how your baskets turned out - especially your tiny ones in the corners :-) And lucky you winning the cushion - Mr Scarecrow is gorgeous - he looks filled with personality!

  15. I love how your Barrister Blocks are coming Mom! You're getting quite a handful. They look fun all put together.
    Love the tiny baskets too...again :)

  16. So much quilty goodness! SEW glad you are going to the HMQS and taking classes, too. Very smart to bind those patterns. Congrats on your win. He looks right at home with all your beautiful quilts!

  17. janet, love those plaids! gorgeous blocks and the christmas ones too! you are certainly keeping busy!

  18. You are amazing! I love the sampler done in plaids!! It's a beauty!
    You are really getting into the machine quilting- that is wonderful!!

  19. Oh those tiny baskets are perfect!!!

    I'm quite jealous of those quilting classes you'll be taking - can't wait to see what you learn and how you use it on your basket quilt!

  20. I started the SOW-along too but then wasn't on the computer for a while so got behind. I read Bonnie Hunter's post this week and started wondering how many total blocks have been given so far.... and then after a little blog hopping I come up on your post and can see! Thanks! :)

    I'm also using shirt fabrics and choose an ash grey to use as my background. Each block is so fun to make.... looking forward to getting caught up so I can share a post on my blog soon. :)

    Love that basket quilt top - love everything about it!

    Love from Indiana! ~bonnie

  21. Love your's what I'm doing too.

  22. The more you get done on the Barrister Blocks the more I am loving the results! I will be sharing your machine quilting links with my MIL who is trying to improve her quilting skills. You've made an amazing quilt with your moms leftover triangles - it's one of my favorites! Have fun in SLC...we will be looking forward to a complete rundown.

  23. Oh my, where do I start? I love all of your projects in this post. I need to get back working on my Farmer's Wife blocks and so many other things. Your little basket quilt is beautiful, I just love your "tiny" baskets in the corners. BTW...I just fell in love with your quilt rack! I love it!

  24. Your plaid blocks amaze me. I haven't sewn much with plaid (except for a Jan Patek project) and so I am always interested to see how they turn out. Great idea to spiral bind your patterns, I'll remember that one.

  25. Not only is all you accomplish amazing so are your posts! Always full of wonderful inspiration and projects. Congrats on your win from Kaaren - lucky you! Thanks so much for the Melody Johnson link.

  26. Every time I see your basket quilt, I love it even more! I am so far behind on my Sow-along blocks...but when it gets nasty hot, I will spend a bit more time in the sewing room. Yours are looking wonderful. It looks like you are enjoying your quilting machine...would you recommend it? I do all of mine on my domestic machine, so I am wanting to test drive a machine like yours.

  27. Do you sleep?!!! You seem to accomplish so much and all so beautiful!!


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