
Sunday, March 11, 2012

And "Sow" it Goes!

If you have been "Sowing" along with Randy at Barristers Block blog, you are aware of changes made to our "Sow-A-Long", due to circumstances beyond her control. It is now the Barrister's Sow-Along, and in support of her efforts on our behalf, I have added her button to my blog. My third installment of blocks are finished and shown below. I did add a handle to the basket by redrafting one of the Temecula Quilts Blessings Basket patterns to fit this size.
I am loving these blocks in plaids. I am forcing myself not to fussy-cut. It is hard not to sometimes. The middle block above was made with that lovely purple plaid shirt Doniene sent me and it was so tempting to cut it so that the design was symmetrical. But I restrained myself. I am trying to go for more of a "make do" look.
Here are all 9 of them together. Aren't they fun?
Some of you are aware that with the second set of blocks Randy posted, I decided to make a second set of the blocks in Christmas scraps. Then I discovered I didn't have that many Christmas scraps. Randy generously donated half of hers and my Mother sent a few my way as well. So here are the six Christmas blocks I have made so far. This will be a very random collection of Christmas blocks when all is said and done.

Finally, if you saw my last post you may recognize the center of this runner.
It was made from the leftover pieces of the table topper I had made. But when I tried it out under my soup tureen on my hutch, I realized it was too small. Hardly anything showed beyond the edge of the tureen. So I made a couple of stars to lengthen the thing and made plenty of mistakes in the process. Can you see that one set of the star points are switched? I didn't notice that until I was basting it for quilting and at that point I just turned the other cheek. It is all quilted and bound. Yippee!
Next post I hope to show you the progress on my second Primitive Gatherings Picnic Quilt. It is coming along well.
Until then,
Janet O.


  1. the plaid looks really interesting in the blocks. They give the blocks a different look and feel.

  2. Love your plaids!!!! That purple one looks pretty good - pretty special huh!!! LOL The Christmas ones are really nice!! Love scrappy samplers!!! What star point? They are stars - you can't ruin a star!!! Lovely table runner (now that it has stars!! LOL !!)

    Have a great day!!

  3. New quilt in the header! Love it!!

  4. The sew-a-long looks like a lot of fun...really like your plaids.

    If you need somemore Christmas fabrics send me your snailmail....I was just sorting holiday fabric last week and I put some aside to give away at guild....

  5. Your blocks look so great! This sow-a-long is so much fun!

  6. love the new header and i agree...the plaids are gorgeous!

  7. I just read about the Barrister blog change of plans yesterday. It kind of strikes my fancy to participate but I don't know if I will have time.

  8. I love that you're making two of each block... the plaids are great and the holiday fabrics are cool!

    I wish I had time to join in... but too many UFOs on my list...

  9. All of your blocks look amazing. Those plaids make me want to start collecting shirts!

  10. You've been busy, girl! I don't see the star point that is switched. Must be bleary-eyed this Morning. Have fun with your FW SOW-a-long. Making these blocks is fun no matter how many you make. I find it funny you are making two FW quilts... The Christmas one will be fun to have. I need to make more Christmas Quilts, or just finish the ones on my list, HUH?.

  11. I love the fact you are doing 2 sets. I'm just starting mine. Been busy with so many other projects. Hugs

  12. Plaid is a fabric I haven't played with much because I know I would want to fussy cut and straighten everything all the time - but looking at yours, it doesn't matter - it gives it a lovely charm and unique look.Both sets of blocks are looking great - and I still cant work out your error on your runner!!

  13. Seriously Janet....I had to look REALLY hard to see your "switched" points. The runner is very fun and makes me smile.
    I, too, have been thinking about doing a sew of Sow-a-long blocks in holiday fabric and your post today just might have pushed me over the edge!!

  14. I like the added handle to your basket. Both sets of blocks are lovely - you sure are ambitious.
    Congrats on your finish! Very cheery!

  15. Trying to find the mistake in the tablerunner was like trying to find a 4-leaf clover. I had to cheat and enlarge the picture. I do love your versions of the Sow-A-Long. Perfectionist tendencies and a "make-do" look do require some restraint. Can't wait to see your Primitive Blessings quilt.

  16. Janet, your two sets of blocks are SO different. It's amazing! I love the plaids. They look awesome! And I am going to do a basket block with handles... I like yours much better.

  17. You have been a busy girl. I love that you're doing the blocks twice and soooooo different.

  18. The plaids are great! You have been very busy at the sewing and cutting areas of your world :) Love the tablerunner and I would have done exactly the same thing, just continued on to the finish!

  19. Love it Mom! I think I like the red/pink plaid block the best. It's so fun to see them all together though.
    The st. pat's table runner is adorable!

  20. Your plaid blocks are bold and unique and I love 'em! I hope everyone who originally signed on with Randy continues the Sow-A-Long. What happened has reinforced in me that I will never buy any other books by one particular author.

    I'd like to make additional blocks with Christmas fabrics, but I'm not so sure that I have very many either. Time to check out the stash and my scraps bin. Thanks for the inspiration.

  21. Oh how fun to see your blocks. I am enjoying the sow along too and making a set in red scraps and a set in blue's all fun huh?

    Happy Sewing

  22. I think I'm starting a collection of basket blocks - love yours!!
    I also had to cheat to find the mistake on your runner...but it took some looking.

  23. Plaids tug at my heart strings and seeing your lovely blocks make me want to make one right now. Putting that on my bucket list!

  24. I love all of your blocks! You know you all are driving me crazy with these Farmer's Wife blocks and I have been trying NOT to start this quilt book should arrive on the 19th!!! I just couldn't help myself! LOL!

  25. Those plaids always just excite me so -- you've done such a marvelous job with this!! I love your green runner, too!! And even after you pointed it out I couldn't find any mistake!! :)

  26. Completely awesome in plaids! I think they're more interesting when they're slightly off grain. It shows flexibility and spontaneity. Nice work!


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