
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bloggerversary Giveaway!

Before November is over (just barely before) I want to take this opportunity to say I'm glad I've become acquainted with you all. November marks 6 months for me on Blogger and though I admit I was not prepared for the time this involves, I have thoroughly enjoyed making a slew of quilting friends who don't care if I am still in my jammies or if my dishes are done. I have learned so many things I would not otherwise have known and met wonderful people from around the world. I have laughed with many over silly things and cried with some when times were hard. I am strengthened by your examples of courage and touched by your generosity and goodness. To say "thank you" I am giving away the items pictured. There is the book "Country Threads Goes to Charm School." Many of you have been to Country Threads--I have not. But I was "charmed" by this book with its patterns for little quilts (which have recently captivated me) made from charm packs. The quilts are all named with "rules" of etiquette--some are familiar, some I've never heard of before. I have included a charm pack of a fabric line that has been catching my eye in the LQS, "Together" by Brannock and Patek. (Click here to see the fabrics). To round things out I threw in a 16" remnant piece of Kona Bone for some background. (The cutting tables were busy, so I dug through the remnants for something I thought would work. I was in a hurry! Besides, you know I can't go in the LQS without a dig through the remnants.)

Look at some of these fun quilts inside.
Sorry for the less than stellar photos. I was trying to hold the book open with one hand without cracking the spine while taking the photo with the other hand. Not so good. This is just a small sampling of the 19 little quilts.

If you want in on a chance to win this please leave a comment on this post by noon Saturday MST.

Currently on my design wall is my red and green version of Bonnie's Smokey Mountain Stars. I had asked for advice earlier on whether to plan the layout or let the chips fall where they may. The latter option definitely won the vote, and I tried--I really did. I know I have this control issue and I ended up alternating the red and green star centers and I'm trying to let the star points fall where they may. Every now and then the dark green star points totally surround a red center. I tried to tell myself that it was okay for that star to be so defined, but it wasn't really, to me. I haven't had to move very many star points, though. : )
Yep, I see the square in the upper right corner that is turned wrong.
But I didn't see it before I took the photo. When I chose the khaki
tan shirts for the background I didn't realize how dark they would
make the overall appearance of the quilt, though I do think the
photo makes the whole thing look darker than it really is.. I hope
 I like the final effect. I'm not changing it now!
I am calling this one Rocky Mountain Christmas. I had originally been shooting for this Christmas to have it finished, but I want to machine quilt it myself. I definitely need more practice and time, so it looks like this will be part of next year's celebration.

Then on my design board is something that should look familiar, unless you have never been here before. That's right, I am in the process of making a duplicate table topper to the one I gave my sister as a hostess gift at Thanksgiving. The center pinwheels are finished and now I just need to cut the borders to length and sew them on. I have a much different quilting design in mind for the outer border and if it goes as planned I will be swapping this for the one I gave away.
That does it for now--don't forget to leave a comment if you'd like to participate in the giveaway.
(ETA--I've decided to throw in a gift bag of my handcrafted holiday soap to a second winner. Just so you know.)
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush is frozen,
Janet O.


  1. Love the quilt pictures. I don't do well with machine quilting and do all mine by hand.

  2. Congratulations on your 6th month blob-iversary! I'm so glad to have met you, even if it is only virtually!

    Love your red-n-green Smokey Mtn Stars... very clear that it's going to be gorgeous!

    Your 2nd table topper is coming along well... I like your determination to shot for perfection!

  3. Janet!!! Of course I want to be in the giveaway. If you like it, I know I will LOVE it!!! How fun. Congrats on the 6 month anniversary!! Blogging has been a wonderful experience, and I treasure my blogger friends. I've been amazed, inspired and motivated to become more productive and a better quilter. I absolutely love the Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt!!!

    I treasure you friendship!!


  4. Congratulations on your 6-month bloggerversary! I'd love (a chance) to win! Love the pictures you shared. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. I think your Rocky Mountain Christmas is fabulous! Very folksy and almost primitive, which I really love. From the looks of the photos in your giveaway book, it's one I'd truly enjoy having. Please count me in! :)

  6. WOO HOO...YIPPEE...I'm whooping and hollering down here in Texas over your anniversary!! Time flies when you're having so much fun here in blogland!!

    I like seeing your Rock Mountain made me sooo aware as to what a simple pattern/design this is!

    You are being soooo energetic over've just about got your little running complete!!!

  7. Congrats on your 6th anniversary. Would love to be entered in your contest

  8. I have found quilt blogs to be such fun and have many interesting people including you. I wish you many more years of blog fun!

  9. Thank you for a chance to win the book, it looks fantastic. I am interested in small quilts, too. Your Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt is looking great, I really like what you are doing. I have the control issue, too. It is hard to just let it fall where it may! Your colors and fabrics look wonderful together. I love the little table topper, too. Beautiful fabrics and colors in there. Have fun stitching!

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary.
    Sweet book, very generous of you.
    Love your table piece - FUN!!

  11. I'm so happy that you enjoy blogging. I've found it to be great fun, too.
    Well, since I've nearly purchased this book a couple of times, I would like to try to win it. Thanks so much for the offer.
    Your Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt (great name, by the way!)is one of the best I've seen! The control works well on this pattern, imho.

  12. Congrats on your 6-month blogiversary, it's always a pleasure looking in on your blog. Especially nice to see the progression of your Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt and the great photos. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. This book has been on my wish list for quite sometime. I love those little quilts and Together is the perfect charm pack for those patterns.

  13. I love small quilts so it would be great to add this book to my collection. Congrats on the anniversary.

  14. I would love to be included your giveaway. I am just starting out and love looking at your design wall and board.

  15. And we are sew happy to have you and your blog here! I always look forward to your comments on my blog. Happy blogiverary!!

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary, friend. I love your Rocky Mountain Christmas. And I'd like very much to enter your give-away.

  17. I have enjoyed your Blog, only 6 Months old, huh? It was fun to meet in real life too! Put my name in the bowl to win your fun giveaway.

  18. That's going to be a fabulous quilt, great job! I made quite a few toppers this year and even managed to keep one for myself.
    Thanks for throwing my name in.

  19. I love your Rocky Mountain Stars! Controlled scrappy is OK too, isn't it? I'd love to win your giveaway. Thanks for hosting it.

  20. Oh, yes, I would love that giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  21. Wow! Only six months? I feel like I must have known you longer. Congratulations on six months and best wishes for many more.

  22. Yes blogging is time consuming but a LOT of fun. I would love to be in with a chance - thankyou- Your plaid quilt is looking beautiful xx

  23. What a sweet giveaway! That book looks so fun....and I have a ton of 5" squares! If I don't win, I will need to pick that one up! Thanks for the preview!

    And I think your Rocky Mountain Stars are beautiful! But I'm with you....if it's gonna be random, it better be REALLY random! I fret over the setting of scrappy squares so hubby knows to come and give it the scrutiny test...."I don't want 2 blocks of the same fabric touching each other!"..... and he's really good at finding those! lol

    Love the little table topper again! Sweet!

  24. Thanks for the great give-away! The book looks fabulous and I would love to win! I will also be having a give-away soon when I get to my 300th blog, so check back with me. I think I have 3 more to get there!

  25. Six months...congrats! Love how you Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt is coming along!

  26. Wow - your stars are really coming together, and they look great! Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway. I think turnabout is fair

  27. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway...that book looks wonderfully me!!

  28. Congratulations on your anniversary! I am happy you are enjoying the journey of blogging. I loved reading your previous blog about your first quilts. I love that you bought your quilt back at the reunion auction. This definitely sounds like something I would do.

  29. Congrats on 6 months of blogging. I have to admit, it is hard to believe that it is that short a time, as you are doing a SUPERB job of it! I love the homespun green and red stars quilt! There is something so homey about the plaids -- gets me every time!

  30. Isn't it great that we can call so many bloggers our friends......I love Blogland! That looks like a great book. Love your stars...That is a fun quilt to make.

  31. Hey, Janet. Since I haven't done anything with the fabrics and pattern I won from you back in the summer I won't enter this giveaway. Nice one though.
    Rocky Mountain Christmas is looking good. I like the way khaki sets off other colors.

  32. I just found site and love your work. I am a huge fan of charms and would love to win your prize- i am Kathy at rottelvis AT

  33. Congratulations on your blogversary. You say it's a big time commitment - just know that all of us out in blogland appreciate your efforts. I love coming to read your blog.

  34. Your Rocky Mountain Christmas has a pretty start. Bless our photos for showing us which blocks are turned wrong, before it's too late.

    Congrat's on the 6-month anniversary of your blog. Blogging can be time consuming, but it's also refreshing, inspiring, sentimental at times, and definitely a change of pace from what we usually do.

    Please do not include me in the drawing. I already own the delightful book (Country Threads is 40 min away from my front door), and I've been lucky in the past with drawings. I'd prefer that someone else wins.

  35. Congratulations on your blog and thank you for the chance to win!

  36. Congratulations and really like your little pinwheels!

    Thank you for offering this nice giveaway and providing us an opportunity to enter!

  37. Congrats on the Bloggaversary! Thanks for the chance to win.

  38. You have been very busy. Thank you for the chance to win a great prize, it is always enjoyable to have a 'visit' with you :-)

  39. I'm so glad you decided to start blogging. It has been fun to "know" you!!! You are so inspiring too!!

  40. Oh Janet, Happy blogaversarary! I would love to win... Enter me for a chance!!

  41. Congratulations on your first six months! Coincidentally my LQS here in the UK is called Country Threads too!

  42. You have certainly done a lot in 6 months. I love reading your blog. I agree - it takes more time than I'd imagined when I started 9 months ago but I've learned so much just by doing it and love following blogs by others who are as passionate about all quilty things as I am!

  43. Congratulations on your blogoversary!! I too have enjoyed making friends through blogging....the common bond of quilting is strong! Love the Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt...that's one on my to-do list! :)

  44. well you know I love making little quilts and by golly this is one book I don't believe I own!
    love that brown and pink one :)
    congrats on 6mths of blogging and love the quilt on your design wall keep going!!!!

  45. Congrats on your anniversary. Time sure flies.

    I love the projects you are working on. We have the same taste in fabric.

    Thanks for the chance to win the Country Threads book. They are one of my favorites.


  46. Recently discovered your blog and I enjoy reading it. The book looks great and I would be thrilled to win it - I love quilt books, magazines, and patterns. Thanks!

  47. Love your star quilt. This is on my bucket list. I'm particularly fond of the khaki coloured background. Love to see it when you're done.
    The book looks wonderful and would be great under the Christmas Tree!

  48. Lovely giveaway and that book has lots of fantastic quilts. Throw my hat in the pot please and thank you. Congratulations on blogging semi-anniversary. Isn't it fun? Judy C

  49. Oh I better hurry! I wouldn't want to miss out on your great giveaway's and chance to tell you how happy I am that I found your blog. Janet, you teach and inspire me with your quilting skills and big heart! Your Rocky Mountain Christmas quilt is looking great and I hope you get the effect you want with your second table topper. Congratultions on your 6-month bloggerversary!

  50. Congrats on the anniversary. Your rocky mountain stars is looking fantastic. Don't throw my name in the hat - I've got so much on my to-do list that to accept it would surely be mean-spirited and an old dog in the manger trick. Just wanted to say congrats.

  51. Holey many great projects!


I love to have your comments and feedback.