
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

T-Shirt Finale!

My oldest son's college graduation t-shirt quilt is finally done! My long arm quilter said she wouldn't be sad if she never had to do another t-shirt quilt. So I guess I really need to practice my FMQ skills so when my youngest son graduates I can quilt his myself. 
I used at least 40 t-shirts in this quilt and I still had a laundry basket full of shirts leftover. This son doesn't know the meaning of the term "over-involved". His brother seems to be following in his footsteps, so I know there is another one in my future.
Those of you who have made one of these know how much work they can be--much more than I expected. You have to stabilize the fabrics and figure out a layout using the different sizes of designs. I complicated things by piecing and bordering blocks, and then fussy cutting the sashing to keep it from adding to the busyness of the already busy quilt. 
I actually bound this one myself and it is such a relief to have it finished.
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where fall has finally arrived,
Janet O.


  1. Ooooo Sista I feel your pain and also your joy of getting it finished. I made one for my daughter as a graduation gift from high school last May. I "only" used 30 blocks and hers is a very generous king size, so I can imagine what yours looks like. There is a lot of prep involved in getting the tee shirts ready, also the planning, and the hardest part is the quilting. I do not have a long arm, so rolled that thing up and somehow quilted it on my Bernina. Although a task, it is beautiful and so is yours! Aren't you glad you saved all those shirts!!!

  2. I've made two t-shirt quilts and they do seem to be more work than a regular quilt...maybe we just don't do them often enough?! LOL

  3. Wow!! That is amazing, I have never made one of these but I can understand the challenges they must hold.Must say I'm with your Long arm quilter, I don't think I would love to quilt these.

  4. I just tied the T-short quilt I made for my TALL-boy! He wanted fleece on the back so NO-WAY I was going to quilt that one. It is in their car for Picnics in Idaho Falls where they live.

  5. So glad you've finished it, Janet! I'm getting ready to start one for my niece. I've put a limit of 25 shirts because otherwise they become too heavy. I think they take longer because - well, they just aren't pretty! though they are functional and sentimental. I like Mary's idea of fleece on the back. I'm showing two non-quilters in my neighborhood how to make them and I know they don't want to spend the money on a longarm quilter. A two layer might be better for a tied quilt. Congrats on your finish. For a t-shirt quilt - it's a good looking one - I love plaids/checks.

  6. I just took a close-up look at this quilt.....WOW! You managed to frame each emblem perfectly, and that sashing is awesome! It adds so much and ties them all together. I've never done a t-shirt quilt.....I can't say that any of my kids had enough t-shirts without stains down the front to make one!!! lol

  7. The tshirt quilt is stunning and I think without the fancing sashings/cornerstones it wouldn't be half the quilt it is. Congrats!

  8. I bet you're glad to have THAT project finished, huh? I'm going to have to make one of those myself one of these days - but it will be for hubby. He has designed the t-shirts for a yearly bicycle event that has been going on for about 15 years now - and he want's me to make a quilt out of all of them.

  9. I LOVE this!! I have alot of saved tees for a t-shirt quilt.. on my long list of things to do. :) Yours turned out so well, just beautiful! What a treasure.

  10. The young woman in our quilting group made a t-shirt quilt for her brother; he's now in grad school and last night she had the sleeves and the backs from those shirts all cut into strips and braided and was stitching away on a coiled rug that will be his Christmas gift! I love the thought.

  11. What a great t-shirt quilt; your son will love it. I still haven't made one yet but have a big bag full of t-shirts. I will know where to come for advice when I get ready to start that project.

  12. I will be making one for my DD when she graduates college in a few years.
    this is wonderful, I love the sashing! you did a great job
    yes I hear they are a nightmare to make!

  13. I love it!! I have one started- tshirts cut out and backed but need more....
    You did a fantastic job!!

  14. What a treasure! I'm making a tee-shirt quilt for my niece, who's graduating high school next spring. I'll have to pick your brains for advice when I get ready to start it!! You did a terrific job! :)

  15. Lovely!!! As always an outstanding job. I'm sure you are glad to have a project finished!!


  16. It is fabulous! Congratulations on finishing such an awesome quilt!

  17. Looks like you did an excellent job on it, everything looks so perfect! Giggle...I agree with your longarmer...I don't care if I ever quilt another t-shirt quilt! LOL! If you remember I had a hard time quilting one not too long ago.

  18. Honestly, this is the best t-shirt quilt I've ever seen. I love everything about it...the colors, sashing and workmanship. Janet you are a perfectionist!

  19. It looks great! Well done. I can imagine how much work it is, but what a memory quilt for your son!!!

  20. Love the quilt. It's gorgeous! What interfacing do you prefer for a tshirt quilt? I started one but didn't like whatever it was I picked up at hobby lobby. Thanks!


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