
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Book Giveaway!! WooHoo!!

Hey, all you scrap quilters, are you familiar with Lynn Roddy Brown? If not, here is your chance to get acquainted! She is an expert scrap quilter and just published her third book on the subject through Martingale & Company, "Patchwork-Play Quilts." I own both of her other books (and love them) and had reviewed her second book on Amazon. Earlier this year I decided to see if she had a website and to learn if she had any other books. There was word on her site that she would be coming out with her third book soon. I was so excited I emailed her to let her know I was looking forward to its release.

The result of all this was that she offered to send me a copy when it came out if I would review it on Amazon as well. I suggested the possibility of another copy being offered as a giveaway on my blog. They arrived in yesterday's mail--autographed!!


As soon as I saw the package I knew what it contained.
 I was in the middle of a project with a deadline and I had to leave them sitting on the counter, unopened, so that I didn't get distracted (which is easy for me to do!). When I could see that I had progressed far enough with my project to allow myself the time to open, I let myself browse for 5 whole minutes. I was so excited! But I had to get back to my project.

Finally, late at night, I was able to settle in and really give the book a good going over. This is a treat! What scrap quilter doesn't have a stash of leftover strips, HSTs, 9-patch and 4-patch blocks? In this book Lynn shares many ways to use up those bits, while breaking down some of the fabric stash as well. Take a look at some of these quilts from the book.
I love the way she uses value in this one. The different values of the 9-patch blocks create the illusion that some of them are glowing. Wonderful!
 This quilt was made entirely from leftover HSTs from another quilt--hence the name. Lynn shares how studying a vintage quilt helped her mix up the values within the pinwheels to accomplish that aged look.
Look at this scrappy gem! What a variety of fabrics have come together in this great quilt. And by reversing the value placement from one block to the next there is so much more visual interest!
Can you pick out the 4-patch and 9-patch blocks that create this wonderful argyle pattern?  By using the same orange fabric in the center of each 9-patch, Lynn was able to bring a unifying element to this scrappy mix.
 Can you believe this mind-boggling 9-patch? Lynn gives a schedule for making the blocks that is doable to have all of the elements ready over a year's time.
This is one for which Lynn doesn't give the pattern, but she shares it as encouragement for us to use up our leftover elements. She made it using the HSTs, 4-patch and 9-patch blocks that had been piling up from exchanges and quilt leftovers. She only had to make one 6" 4-patch to create this top.

Well, that gives you a good idea of the types of the 17 patterns within the pages of this book. I realize I didn't include some of the quilts she shares that are still scrappy, but with a more controlled color palette. If that is your style there are patterns to warm your quilter's heart as well.

I love some of Lynn's homespun, scrap quilting wisdom. She talks about mental-health sewing, when she can just sew up some scrap units without a specific project in mind, saying, "Touching my fabric and hearing the hum of my sewing machine is very therapeutic for me." When sewing units this way, or for swaps, there is the added benefit of sewing without the stress of having to "agonize over fabric choices." She puts the units aside for later use and DOESN'T consider them a UFO. She says that fabric started in her stash, it is still in her stash--it has just changed form. (Love it!) According to her, "if you already own the fabric, you might as well enjoy playing with it."  

Lynn also includes the story of her journey as a scrap quilter, plus a wonderful section of the role value plays in the look of scrap quilts (if you couldn't already tell from the comments on the quilts above, it is a big factor!), and a great 13 page section with full color illustrations sharing some of her favorite techniques in quilt making. Is your mouth watering yet?

How can you win your own signed, spine-never-cracked copy of this great book? Just leave a comment here saying you are interested. Also, I don't usually do this on giveaways, but I want Lynn's book to be seen by as many as possible, so if you have a blog and will post a link there to this giveaway and say you have done so, I will put your name in a second time. I will ship the book wherever you live, so don't worry if you are an international reader. I will take comments on this until midnight, Monday the 26th. I will post the winner on Tuesday, the 27th.

And just in case you are not familiar with them, here is a look at her two previous books.

They are both excellent books for scrap quilters, and as I said in my Amazon review of the "Block-Swap" book, you don't have to participate in swaps to use this book. I have never done a swap, but I have used the book to make a wonderful scrap quilt seen here.

Okay, there you have it! Leave your comment and you are in, link to this and say so and you are in twice. Good Luck!

Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows--and is very high on the pollen count right now (you can tell I have allergies),
Janet O.


  1. This book has already elicited many oooohs and aaaahs (from me) as I progressed through the photos. Please, please throw my name in the hat! :)

  2. I love scrap quilts and would love to win this book. The patterns shown are wonderful

  3. Oh yes, I'd be interested. I've zillions of scraps that need to find a new home--it's either them or me! You showed remarkable restraint in finishing your project--I'm very impressed. ;)

  4. The quilts from the book you've shared have me intrigued... count me in!


  5. Hi Janet - I'm not familiar with this designer, but I LOVE scrap quilts so it seems like we are a perfect fit. I'd love to win her new book!

  6. Please include me in your drawing. I have Lynn's first book and this one looks even better so I'd love to win it!

  7. I would love to have a chance to win this book, just the little preview is fantastic! Thank you!

  8. Scrappy quilts sure do work in my little corner of the world. Wonderful opportunity and thanks. Judy C

  9. I have her other books and would love to have this one. I linked you to my blog also.

  10. What a treat - you know I'm in!! working on a project you can share? soon? looking forward to it!! I've had many irons in the fire, but soon to release my doins' (I think I said that last time, right!) LOL


  11. Looks like a gem of a book. I have Simple Strategies for Scrap Quilts so I know this one will be good too. Thanks for thinking of your blogging friends.

  12. Whoa! that's so cool! You're so Lucky. I'm sorry I won't be coming to meet you this week-end. maybe it would rub off on me.

  13. Oh my! All of the quilts you showed are fabulous.....I started to think I wanted to make the Argyle one first, and then I thought the Values one, and then of course the Boogie one....oh heck....I need to make them all! This book looks amazing, and right up my alley!

    Thanks for having this giveaway..... if I don't win, I will certainly be buying her book! :o)

  14. I am a scrap quilt finatic! This book would be a treasured possesion in my house :) Thank you for the preview and the chance to win it!

  15. I need some inspiration to use up my scraps. What a great book and signed by the author no less. Thanks for the great giveaway Janet.

  16. That book looks wonderful. I love scrap quilts so all those projects are right up my alley.

  17. Last week at the local quilt store, I was looking at this book. It is one of the best that I've seen in some time. Sticking to my budget, I left it behind so I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Thanks for scoring a great quilting book for your blog readers.. it looks great!

  19. me, i'm a dedicated scrap-aholic so sure, you can pull my name! and check out my blog and add me in again!

  20. what a cool book, who doesn't like a scrappy quilt book! I know I do!

  21. forgot to say I linked to your blog as well :-)

  22. Her books are new to me; I love the photos you shared on your blog. Thanks for sharing your good fortune.

  23. I have had the fortune to attend a lecture Lynn Roddy Brown gave regarding her strategy for scrap quilts. She is a great public speaker. I love scrap quilts and she certainly knows how to assemble them. Nice review, the book looks great. I'd happily buy it, but I hope I win it. Thanks for the opportunity Janet.

  24. I would love to have a chance at it. Looks like a great book. I love scrappy.

  25. thank you for the chance to win this book. I'm a lover of scrappy quilts, and would love to see her ideas for using up the leftovers from other projects. They just keep multiplying in my sewing room. Michele

  26. Wow, lots of ideas floating around in my head now...if I don't win Lynn's book, I'll have to buy it. My first quilt will have to be the Argyle Squares, a great scrappy quilt. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. That looks like a boko I would love and use! I'd love to win a copy.

  28. This book looks good enough to eat!!

  29. What a great book and great giveaway! Please add me to the drawing.

  30. what beautiful photos and fantastic quilts in the book. Makes you want to start rummaging through your scraps already.

  31. Wow...that book looks amazing! I'd love to win it, but even if I don't win I'm going to put it on my wish list. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. I shared your giveaway on my blog:

  33. Now this is right up my alley! I would love this book and the others you posted. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Wow, the book looks great and all the fun quilts. It would be great to win, thanks for the giveaway.

  35. I would love this book. Thanks for the chance

  36. I LOVE scrap quilts! This book has awesome patterns. Would love to win this one!!

  37. Oh yes. Include me on this book give away.

  38. Love scrap quilts and am so of the same mind on how therapeutic quilting can be...please put my name in!

  39. All of her books looks fantastic.
    Thanks very much for a chance.

  40. I put your giveaway on my sidebar.
    Thanks for another chance.

  41. Now what scrappy quilter wouldn't want this book!!?? This author is new to me and I thank you for drawing my attention to her. I say one can NEVER have too many quilting books!!


  42. This looks a great book - I love the crows nest quilt!
    Count me in please!

  43. I like scrappy quilts, one of my favourites is a disappearing 9 patch, really easy to do but always looks so nice. Thanks for the chance to win this book. Linda

  44. I'm a beginning scrap quilter. This book looks like something that would help me along. Great pictures and ideas!

  45. Scrap quilts are my favorite! Thanks for such a well-written review.

  46. I can't resist ;-). I love scrap quilts and I must admit, Lynn Roddy Brown is unknown to me. But I love, what I see and would be most happy to be the new owner of the book (like lots of other quilters).

  47. This is a first that I've seen this book and loving the photos you shared! I'm jotting the name down on my "want list" and will have to add it to my "wish list" on Amazon...(in case I don't win). Looks wonderful..thanks for the chance!!!!

  48. Oh...I've posted too....wanted my extra brownie points!

  49. OH I need this book to help with my every growing pile of scraps that I am suppose to be using up. But they keep multiplying like rabbits!

  50. Was just looking at this book in my LQS last night. Would love a chance to win an autographed copy...thanks :)

  51. Brenda from Quilting Cowgirl sent me; I had fun exploring Lynn's website, what a great eye for color she has! I think my scraps are ready for this book!

  52. I've never met a scrap quilt book that I didn't like, and Lynn's ideas are always fun to follow.
    My scraps get out of control so quickly when I've been busy, and this book would give me some great ideas on what to do. Fingers crossed on this one!

  53. I have an overflowing scrap bin that needs taming. This book looks like truely scrappy and not planned like so many others I've seen. ENter me please!

  54. Love scrappy quilting and would love to try this book on for size.

  55. I am fascinated with all wonderful things that people who take care of left-overs come up with, but in this case, I found a few patterns of the ones you showed that I would love to do also in a less scrappy way. I am sure I would feel the same way for lots of the quilts in the book!

  56. I love Lynn's quilt books, too! Thanks for the chance to win an autographed copy of her new book!

  57. I blogged about Lynn's new book. Thanks!

  58. This looks like a fantastic book, thanks for the chance to win!

  59. Nine patch boogie just takes me breath away. I love the idea of making the blocks over a year's time. Thanks for a great review! I'd love to have this book to study and inspire.

  60. That looks like a book I HAVE to have. I have thought about getting her other book about the swaps. I may already have that one, need to check the shelf. Great projects! Very nice review.

  61. I would love to have a copy of the book. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!

  62. I love scrappy quilts and these beauties are stunning!! Would LOVE to win a copy! Thanks for the chance!

  63. I have scrapitis and this book is just what the dr. ordered! Just leave a comment on my blog if my name is picked!

  64. I have her other books, but not this one...yet. It looks like another winner.

  65. Oh - I'd so love to have my email post picked for this fine project. Looking forward to hearing from you....

  66. I'm not familiar with these books but the quilts certainly look interesting and I like scrap quilts. Please place my name in the drawing.


  67. I love the project in the book. Would love to add this to my library.

  68. Love the quilts in this book. I think scrap quilts are the only ones to make, helps reduce stash.. Please include me in the giveaway.

  69. Please count me in for this wonderful book.


  70. Oh baby! Pick me pick me!!!! I love the look of this book! I have one of her books but never got the block swap one, but always wanted it. Just never picked it up anywhere. Maybe I'll win the new one!!!

  71. What a wonderful book - nothing is more lovely than a well loved scrap quilt! I am a new follower and I'd love to win this book!

  72. I would love to try some of these patterns! Thanks for bringing this book to my attention, and thanks for the chance to win!

  73. I LOVE Lynn Roddy Brown's books and have already made a number of quilts from her patterns. Would love to get my little paws on her new book!

  74. Thanks for the introduction to Lynn's books. I would love to win this one.

  75. Yes please. I'd love to have my name thrown in for a chance to win. Lynn's books are fantastic. I lent them out (big mistake) and now I have to buy them again!

  76. well you know I LOVE scrappy quilts I would love to win this book as I have already chosen a few of her quilts I would love to make!!!!
    Thanks, a great review, well written

  77. Thanks for introducing me to Lynn Roddy Brown. You did a great job reviewing her new book. Her quilts and wisdom are wonderful. I would love to have her books in my library. Your Montana Scrappy quilt story was fun to read.

  78. I would love a copy of this book. Love the idea of using up the scraps from other quilts.

  79. Would love a copy of this book, I have so many scraps that I could put to good use. Thanks!

  80. I had not seen these books before but they look great! Love the pictures of the quilts and I love, love, love scrap quilts! It would be great to win!

  81. The patterns are great. I had our guild buy the Simple Strategies for Block-Swap Quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  82. This book looks awesome! I love scrappy quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. I LOVE the quilt with the left over half square triangles! That one is right up my alley. In fact, I love scrappy quilts. Thanks for the chance to win the extra copy. If I win, the spine will be uncracked by the time I make it up the driveway from the mailbox.

  84. I blogged about your giveaway at Thanks for the second chance to win. Come on lucky numbers!!!

  85. Thanks for the chance to win this impressive book...

  86. The book looks great! Thanks for the chance to win.

  87. As a scrapaholic, this book would help tame Mount Morescrapsthanever!


  88. Pick me, Pick Me.....I have the stash, just need the book. What a yummy morsel you have shown.


  89. Thanks for a chance to win! Looks like a great book.

  90. I have seen her previous books and this one looks great too. Thanks for a chance to win.

  91. Would love to be entered in the drawing. Also, I was reading down your list of 'favorite reads' and realized that most (if not all) of my favorite reads are there too. I loved that you started out with Gifts of the Sea. . . So, I wrote down the ones that I haven't read and I'm hopping over to amazon to see what's available for my kindle. Thanks for the listing.
    The only one that might not be on my own list would be Thomas Hardy. Yes, he's a good story teller but I find him rather cryptic. Maybe I haven't given him enough of a chance.

  92. I'd love to own this -- I already have her other two. Love her take on scrappy quilts!

  93. Hello, I would love to have the chance of winning your giveaway. Thanks


  95. OMG I would loooove to win this. I'm trying to get back into quilting and clean out my craft room. It hink this would help a lot! :-)

  96. Oh yes - the book looks awesome, and I'd love to win. Thanks for the giveaway.

  97. This would be a great book to help me use up some scraps!

  98. This book looks great. When I saw the Argyle quilt it reminded me of my mother knitting argyle socks. She would have many bobbins hanging down with wonderful coloured wools on them. I'd love to win this book and will post it on my blog.

  99. Gorgeous! I can point to projects in this book and raid -- my mother's scraps! Thanks for the chance to win a great book.

  100. Looks like a great book with lots of projects!

  101. I would love to win a copy of that looks amazing! I'm also newly following your blog! Thanks again!

  102. I added your giveaway to my post today!

  103. Thanks for a great review and giveaway. I love the crows nest pattern ! have a wonderful weekend.

  104. Hi Janet,

    I just came across your blog for the first time and would like to be in with a chance of winning such a lovely looking book - please enter my name in the draw for a chance to win.

    I have also posted about it on my blog.


    Julia x

  105. Thanks so much for this review -- sounds like a great book for us scrap lovers~!

  106. Hello Janet,

    Oh you lucky lady owning this book. Love books that you don't have to buy fabric for. Have plenty of scraps ready to sew.
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to own this autographed book.
    Happy days.

  107. What nice patterns in this book Janet- I am not familar with her books but it looks like a wonderful book.
    Thanks for the chance to win such a nice one.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  108. The book looks like they are a lit great patterns, I would live to be entered in the drawing. Thank you.

    Char. S.

  109. Oh, thanks for this generous giveaway!! I would LOVE this book!!

  110. Looks like some great patterns in Lynn's new book! Please count me in the drawing. And thanks for thinking of your readers!!

  111. I linked to your giveaway in Twitter:!/birdie00000/status/118065672776458241

  112. Please let me win this book, I want to make all those beautiful quilts!

  113. I love scrap quilts & would love to win Ms Brown's newest. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  114. My new goal is to use my stash... this looks like a perfect book to make stash quilts from! Thanks for a chance to win!

  115. Thank you for the introduction to a very talented quilt designer. The examples you've shown are wonderful. I could be busy a long time with beautiful scrap quilts. Is there enough time!

  116. NEAT BOOK!

  117. Love scrap quilts. Thanks for the opportunity.

  118. Beautiful quilts. Thanks for the chance in the drawing.


  119. How exciting! Looks like some great quilts in that book. I love scrap quilts they are my favorite.


I love to have your comments and feedback.