
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Take a Look at This Stuff!

Had to tell you about the giveaway Julie is having over at Me and My Stitches. You won't believe this amazing quilt block jewelry she makes. And you could win one!! Wow--I love this stuff!!
There are pins and pendants, earrings and scissor fobs. Even if I don't win, I am saving my pennies for one or two. These are tiny little blocks. How does she do it? Well, I know she paper pieces them, I just don't know how she can do it with such tiny pieces. My fat fingers wouldn't be able to manage it.
Now, I'm not sure why I am telling you about it--even though it gives me one more chance at winning, it also decreases my chances. Does that make sense? But you are my friends, and if I can't win (I never win anything, how about you?) I would like one of you to win. Hop on over there--NOW!


  1. I've seen these little beauties and wondered the same thing. Actually, I'm a bit too lucky with these giveaways and wonder why bloggers haven't banned me altogether! Good luck!

  2. Thanks a lot for tempting me with another giveaway. Those are pretty tiny! Hopping over now...

  3. Hey, Janet! Thanks for the link and the "heads up" on this. I will peek and in have a look at her blog, these teeny-tinies are very cute.

  4. I love those little charms, would love to have one to wear as a pin or a scissor fob...

  5. Thanks for the heads up!! I don't win very often, but would like to!! About the small issue, I'm struggling a little with an applique block I'm working on because it is small!! So I admire her ability to do small things!!!

  6. Hi me again!!! I could have emailed you, but was on blogger, so thought I'd drop you a quick note! Congratulations on 75 followers!!! I'd say your blog is a success (I love it anyway!) I finally figured out my posting comments problem on embedded posts, so now I can comment on anyone's blog!!! It's been fun to go and comment on blogs that I have only been able to follow!!! I think I've spent more time commenting than quilting - working on the crazy quilt and want to finish attaching the blocks by August first!! (I hear it calling me!!!)



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